Mitsuri x fem.reader(fluff)

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⚠︎︎small mentions of bullying⚠︎︎⚠︎︎small manga spoilers for mitsuris past⚠︎︎Well deserved Complements♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎(p

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⚠︎︎small mentions of bullying⚠︎︎
⚠︎︎small manga spoilers for mitsuris past⚠︎︎
Well deserved Complements
(p.s this takes place before mitsuri became a demon slayer)
On my bed I run my finger through matsuri's thick locks of pink and green hair undoing the braids leaving her hair wavey in their place. "Thank you y/n that back one is always tricky for me" she chuckled I smiled I love playing with her hair but I know it brings back bad memories for her. "You can stay if you'd like it makes me happy to have company" she's really sweet to me, so sweet it made me grow a crush on her over the time we have been friends, but I don't know how she feels about being in a relationship with a girl.

"I'll stay with you" I subconsciously started to strum through her hair again twisting and braiding it too.

"You really like my hair huh, it can't be too interesting," she said in a soft tone like always

"Mhm, it's really thick and healthy and the color suits you really well" whoops I said something about the color I'm such an idiot

"You really think so, or are you just trying to make me feel good" she was being serious more than I've ever seen her be serious before it sort of scared me

"Yes absolutely there is nothing wrong with your hair I think it's beautiful mitsuri" she looked at me like she was going to break down

"I'm sorry y/n it's just nobody compliments me here, " she said thin lines of tears running down her face "I'm sorry y/n"

"No no no it's ok don't cry it's ok" she tried to wipe her tears but they just kept coming. I opened my arms and she leaped into them crying into my chest "I love the way you're hair is they are just missing out"

"You really think so I'm not a monster or a freak" I never knew they called her things like a monster, a person shouldn't be treated this way

"No your not you're an angel" her grip around me got tighter and her sobs got louder "don't cry please your to pretty to cry" she looked at me in my eyes

"Ok just because you asked me to" I took my sleeve and wiped her face "you're so nice y/n" I smile so does she. She's so pretty I just want to kiss her forehead and tell her I love her but I just can't I'm too scared of what she would say. "Can we lay down I'm tired" I nod and lay down she still is laying on me and hasn't released from our hug "night"

"Night" she closed her eyes and fell asleep beside the fact that she's laying on me it is late and I should fall asleep as well. But it was so hard all I could think about was her taking short breaths on my chest "why do I love you so much" I whispered she sprung up from her position. My eyes widened

" I love ya too," she said with excitement and left a peak on my nose. My face turned as red as a tomato " I knew you liked me" she started to leave quick kisses scattered throughout my face, I felt happy so happy to put into words "well I love my girlfriend too" in that moment everything was happening so fast but I really didn't care all I cared about was how happy she was and how happy I was.

Heya this one was a little short I know but anyways I love mitsuri I had to do this
Also my spell check always wanted to change her name to Missouri lol
Love ya ♡︎

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