"Sanemi you shouldn't have done that she was completely calm" he scoffed at me as I held a cloth to his open wound.
"I know you wouldn't like it, still she's a demon I don't trust her" I sighed and rolled my eyes "what you know my thing with deamons"
"We all have a thing with demons but she's good I can tell" he looked at me with an angry look and took the cloth out of my hands and tended to his wounds himself.
"How do you know huh tell me y/n what if she sinks her teeth into your neck while you sleep huh" he looked at me with an intense look "you're a demon slayer arent you then start thinking like it" He got up and looked down on me.
"Sanemi I-" he was walking away already so I just gave up I look at my hand laying in my lap I heard footsteps I look back it was mitsuri "hello"
"It's alright he'll come around one day" she extended her hand, I placed mine in hers and lugged myself up she started to brush off my clothes "come on let's take a walk to get your mind off of it" I give a weak smile I started to follow her.
As we got a little further she asked "you like him don't you I can tell"
"Uh where did you get that from"
"Because nobody cares about him like that, he's an asshole on the surface so no one really bothers" she explained
"So it doesn't mean I like him it just means I care about everybody that's all" I try to hide it but she wasn't buying it
"I know love when I see it and it's clear as day y/n I'm telling you" I sigh
"Fine your right but mitsuri is it even worth it I mean we are so different and we are friends but we never agree on anything"
"Yeah I can tell but opposites attract right" she smiles at me I nod we walked in silence till she broke it "you should go and see how he is he's probably blown off some steam"
"Alright" she nudged me in the the other direction and smiled
"Go go go" I nod and start to walk in the detection I came from I walk for a while till I saw him look under a tree trying to bandage his own arm but it kept falling off I rushed over he looked up at me
"Oh hey y/n"
"You look like you need help" I kneel down and re-wrapped the bandage "there you go" I smiled
"How do you do it I don't get how to tie it there isn't enough bandage left" I chuckle "don't laugh I'm confused"
"Sorry it's just your all big and tough and you don't know how to tie a bandage. But look you just tuck it under and then bam it's safe" I smile he inspected it
"You should have been one of the doctors," he said and awe
"Nah it's just a bandage also I don't like their uniforms these are a lot better" I chuckle he does the same. I fiddle with my fingers and look down at my hands. "Sanemi can I tell you something it's super important" I stay looking down
"Yeah what's up," he said
"Wait slow down y/n I don't understand" he cut me off I took a deep breath
"I like you a lot" he was at lost of words
"Like not as a friend"
"No more than that way more than that" he blinked quickly as his face turned a red shade "so... Uh" I started to laugh awkwardly. He placed a small peck on my cheek and then turned away from me like he was embarrassed. I smile widely
I never thought he'd act like that ☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎ Hello I thought that was kinda cute ig but anyway love ya have a good day
Also if you requested something I'm getting there besties♡︎