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alicew14 Ahhhh my first request I hope I did well♡︎ Words up in the air 𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎ The moonlight shines on my pale skin as I walk on the green grass feeling it brush against the sides of my feet as I shuffle my way through the plains. The cool night air is so familiar but feels different everywhere I go.
My big eyes peered on an assortment of light it looked like a small village I better not go near them but it would be nice to see people again, despite my nature I love humans and that's why I don't eat them no matter how good the scent that comes off from their body is I just can't bring myself to sink my teeth into them, the bamboo in my mouth helps with that too.
I take a sigh and take a seat on the grass looking at the town from afar seeing the people walk and talk hearing faint buzzing multiple people talking at the same time, "um hello you better get inside it's dangerous at night" a shaky voice said from behind me, I turn my head to look at the voice. It was a boy with yellow hair with orange tips. His eyes widened as his met mine I was in so much awe of seeing a human be so calm I didn't even notice my mouth pooling with drool from the cut on his forearm I wiped it as fast as I could with my long sleeves
"Nhh ffhhhgg" I attempt to say I'm sorry but he couldn't understand I mumbling into the bamboo in my mouth trying to make out some sort of words but I was no use I just sighed in defeat.
"No no it's ok are you friendly" I nod vigorously "really even when you are. Nevermind" I can tell he's still on edge about me. I take my sleeve and point at his arm that is dripping blood on the grass I press my balled-up sleeve onto the cut putting pressure on it. He calms down when he sees I'm helping him out "thank you umm what's your name," he says awkwardly like he was running out of things to say.
I took my pointer finger and spelled out my name in the air
"K-O-T-O-K-O Kotoko?" I nod and smile into the bamboo. He looked more at ease as he asked me more questions and I spelled them out in the air. But my time was running out the sun was starting to peer I widen my eyes and start to mumble quickly and loudly and pointed at the sun slowly peering into sight "oh the sun what about it" I start to panic frantically and drew a line across my neck "die, the sun will kill you" I nodded "umm I could bring you into the shade or that town just over there you could stay with me" I nod we start to run towards the village racing the sun just making it in time.
Slamming the door behind us just as the sun raised he led me to a room it looked like his "you're probably tired I just got back from my test so I am too" he organized things so I could sleep beside him on the floor. I look around the room it was almost completely empty he must not spend a lot of time in here.
He was done and I lay down I made babbling noises happily he sat down next to me I spelled out the word goodnight in the air he smiled and said it back he lays his head down and closed his eyes I did the same and slowly fell unconscious
I woke up in a haze and something being lifted off my face saw the boy have the bamboo that was in my mouth and inspected it I sat up he jumped "oh I sorry I didn't know you were up here you can have this back" he started to awkwardly laugh then watch me put it back on I spelled out in the air 'it's ok don't worry' he smiled we sort of sat there in complete silence I sat up and pressed the bamboo in front of my mouth onto his forehead and separated from him His face was red and he looked down.
"Ummm ha hah what did you do that for"
I spelled out "because your sweet and you let me stay here and..." he looked at me in my big eyes and waited for me to finish, I took the bamboo off of my mouth and attempted to talk to him " I h-have decided tat I lof you" I spoke with a very bad lisp and I didn't know what I was saying myself.
"You love me, that's what you said right?" I nodded vigorously I drew a heart he drew one back. I gasp and began to babble happily and placed many small, short and sweet kisses on his cheeks he looked happy and so was I 𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎
Hey do you like this its kinda bad ik but tell ne what you think and make more requests people