Muzan x GN.reader(fluff)

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Thank you _MinHeeYun_ for the request I hope you love it <3 (also they write to so go check out their stuff!!)

Thank you _MinHeeYun_  for the request I hope you love it <3 (also they write to so go check out their stuff!!)

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The moon is beautiful isn't it
[p.s you guys are in one of his domain thingies let's pretend he can make multiple kay<3]

I sat on the grass looking at the moon it was full, bright white, it had a blueish tint around it as well. the pale man with black hair accompanied me. I was so infatuated with the sky it slipped my mind he was beside me,

"Y/n," he said but I didn't answer him, I don't even look at him. "Y/N!" he yelled. I spun my head around to look at him in his blood-red eyes

"Sorry, Muzan" I look down at the grass trying not to look at him directly. my body trembled a bit I felt his cold palm on my knuckles

"Shh, I'm not mad at you don't worry" I rose my head slowly still trying not to look him in the eyes. My hands balled up under his hands.

"I just sounded like you were," I said looking off to the side "it just look at the moon it's so bright" I pointed to it, he looked "it's almost as pale as you muzan" I chuckled, so did he.

"Haha funny" I could feel his gaze on me I didn't pay any attention even tho I made the butterfly's in my stomach go wild "The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it" I could feel his gaze when he said that he didn't look at the moon he was looking at me "you know what that means right"

"Yes," I lied and smiled at him.

"Don't lie y/n I know you too well now you would have gotten flustered and put your head down, like you always do~" He said in his normal smooth deep tone.

"Well, maybe I don't know what that means, but I don't think it's anything I would get flustered about" I chuckle a bit nervous for what he's going to say next in that tone, sly and smooth his voice always sounds like he's speaking into your ear. "Could you tell me?" I asked he smiled a bit.

He wrapped his arm around me and pull me in so close I could feel the fabric of his suit on my cheek "It's nothing more than a poetic way to say I love you" I spin my head once again looking at him straight in the eyes

"Really," I said my voice shakey, I place my hands in between my thighs.

"Mhm," he answered and kissed the side of my head lightly, I look at him my eyes lit and opened wide he smiles and chuckles a bit. I look back at the moon being accompanied by the stars just as I accompanied him

"Yes you're right Muzan the moon is beautiful tonight," I said it back

A poetic way of saying I love you, funny isn't it

I don't even know if this made sense but I hope you like it. I have 3 more muzan x readers to do so that's fun why do y'all like him so much... He's so funky also sorry for the kinda cliche y/n behavior Ik it's gross
Anyway love you <3

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