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Marry me!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Marry me I'm gonna die soon anyway" the yellow-haired boy cried and pulled on my clothes I shook him off once again "please just marry me I'm gonna die all alone"
"SO WHY DOES THAT MATTER JUST MARRY ME" I sigh and denied him, again and again, it looks like he's never gonna quit suddenly an old man started to yell at the boy "sorry gramps I was just tr-"
"I don't care what you were trying to do just leave the young girl alone" the man looked as if he was going to pop a blood vessel from how mad he was I just stood there dumbfounded the old man apologized profusely. "Now zenitsu say you're sorry about this young lady"
"I'm sorry but in the future would you consider it" he still tried to push marriage on me his face looked despite but I really didn't feel too bad
"NO, YOU CREEP" I ran home only as fast as my legs could take me which wasn't as fast as I liked, I opened the door to my house I sighed "why does this stuff happen to me it's not fair" I just went to bed I'm out of energy I lay down and fall asleep instantly.
I wake up to a knock on my door I get out of bed and answer my door there wasn't anyone there just a letter I peeled open the paper and took out the piece of paper the letter read;
"Hello miss I saw you yesterday walking home carrying a basket of fruit but I just wanted to comment on how beautiful you look l would of went to talk to you in person but I had to go train I was already late, but that's not the point if you do decide to write me back (which I would be overjoyed if you do) then can you answer some questions about yourself because I would love to get to know about you, first, what's your name second, do you have a fiancé or husband already and thirdly would you like to meet me one day if so meet me in the peach orchards just in the village. (leave your reply on your doorstep and ill come and get it I don't want to make you walk any)"
Maybe good things can happen after bad things he sounded way more civilized than that guy from yesterday and he cared to ask my name and about me. I may just have a husband in the future. I'm so excited I run back inside and grab a piece of paper and pen and start to write
"Hello, sir thank you for writing to me, this makes me really happy. First I'll be happy to answer your questions, my name is y/n L/n, no I'm currently not married or getting married, and last I would love to meet you how about later today in the afternoon, well if your not training of course. I'll keep my questions for when we meet, see you then"
I folded the note and placed it on my doorstep with a rock on it to keep it from blowing away. Once I closed the door my stomach turned and twisted into a big not. I pace my house in a panic what if I creep him out or something thoughts swirl in my head about how I can mess this up but then I heard a shuffle coming from my door it must be him.
I waited till the afternoon like I said he would but everything inside me had to pull me away from going earlier the idea of this made my hands and legs shake. I walked out of my house and head towards the orchard, when I got there I saw a familiar hair color it was the boy who was bugging me yesterday about marriage, I just walked past "wait y/n"
"Huh how do you know my name" I looked at him with a confused stare, his hands were stained with stray ink like mine were the same color as the letter I had received then it hit me, "you wrote that letter didn't you"
"Yeah I just couldn't stop thinking about you, I've asked lots of girls for marriage but you really stuck in my mind" my breath staggered "so I'll ask you one more time but if you say no I get it but will you marry me" I kept my eyes wide as he said that he was completely different I don't know if that old man smacked some sense into him but I kind of like him this way. If he can say all those things in a letter like that he must give an essence of that in him right I don't know yet but I feel like I want to figure it out.
"Yes, I'll marry you" after I said that his face lit up like a flashlight he leaped at me with full force knocking me down with a thud but his arms around me felt nice and warm.
"Yay I have the prettiest most smartest wife in the whole wide world," he said with great pride
I definitely misjudged him I feel like I'm going to be happy for a long time with him ♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎
Hey, thanks for reading this one a bit longer. P.s I wrote this at like 1 am yesterday so it's not very good but I thought the idea was pretty cute tell me what you think.