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(let me tell you trying to find this was terrible like I had to sift through so much genya x sanemi content actually wanted to vomit anyway love you guys thanks for 20k btw<3) Hope you love it Iluvvcatz
•dont worry you're pretty little head• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I look up at the sky trying to listen for demons, I spin my head and saw a girl whose hair was black, pulled back in a ponytail, and appeared to have a butterfly clip in her hair. I breathed a sigh of relief "I thought you were a demon, I'd much rather have you then a demon that's for sure" she chuckled. I looked into her purple eyes and asked "what's your name?" The girl smiled widely her lips still pressed together
"kanao and yours," she said her voice calm and smooth.
"y/n," I said trying to match the friendliness in her voice. she turned her head and signaled me to stop talking. she put her hand on her sword, I did the same. what reared its head was a boy he had longer black hair it looked to be shaved on the sides.
"it's all good, let's get going the bottom isn't too far," she said as I was fixated on the boy and after a while, I realized he was also fixated on me. "y/n, come on" I snap out of my haze.
"oh sorry you're right" I turn my body but keep my head looking at the boy still kanao started to move and I followed suit. we made it to the bottom and found others there we joined them. the sun was just starting to peer from the mountains.
As the light hit our faces we saw the same boy come out of the thick forest I waved to him, but he looked at me shocked and darted his head elsewhere. I looked to kanao she just raised her shoulders.
I saw two girls walk up they begin to talk to us about being a demon slayer. I took a hard swallow and listened I couldn't tell if the feeling in my stomach was fear or excitement...
~time skip~
my crow landed on my head "well hello," I say in a cheery tone.
"demons spotted in the mountain to the east" my bird said "Another Mizunoto will be there waiting for you"
"Alright, ill get going thank you" I smiled before walking towards my destination. when I got there I saw the demon slayer my bird was talking about, he was tall and had a muscular build, "hey you're the mizunoto right" he turned around his face was one I recognized "you were at the final selection I know you"
"oh, yeah I remember you," he said I smile and hold my hand out for him to shake not knowing what else to do
"my name is y/n, what's yours" he shook my hand as I spoke
"Genya" he answered like he was surprised that I even asked, our hands parted.
"Genya, I'll remember that, oh we should get going. let's get to know each other later, kay" we turned to the mountain and began to ascend it. I stayed alert as we went up the mountain, till I heard something rustle in the bushes nearby.
I stopped walking and signaled Genya to be quiet. I put my hand on my sword handle, Genya did the same. We stood there in silence and slowly moved closer to the sound. When we finally could see the source of the sound. the sound became louder and the bush moved more frequently.
A demon popped out of it laughing. I took a couple of steps away from it, Genya did not he pulled out to what seemed to be a gun. 'why would he have something like that' I thought. I drew my sword quickly my heart pounding as I did so, Genya shot the demon. it did nothing.
In one blink Genya was on the ground bleeding severely. I was too shocked to scream but subconsciously my mouth muttered the words "b/s 1st form" and in another blink, the demon's head was laying at my feet.
My legs gave out from under me as I kneeled down beside Genya. I felt blood seeping onto my hands I looked at Genya who wasn't moving I put pressure on his abdomen to stop the bleeding, and thankfully I could feel his chest go in and out. "Genya can you hear me, I'm gonna lift you now ok," I said
"yeah I can hear you" I took a sigh of relief "I can get up I just need your help" I nod and lift him almost his whole weight on my shoulders.
we went down the mountain and I walked him to the butterfly estate, I yelled for Aoi she appeared with a shocked look. she led me to a bed and sat Genya down. Aoi began to look at his injures and asked me questions. I told her everything I could.
I sat next to his head asking him questions I wanted to help but there wasn't much I could do. "I'm going to disinfect it now, from how deep these are it may sting pretty bad," Aoi said sounding like a professional. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly, he smiled at me I smiled back.
he squeezed my hand as Aoi cleaned his wounds, after she finished she wrapped bandages around his torso. "thank you" he whispered to me. I just nodded.
"thank you, Aoi you're a lifesaver" she smiled. She bowed and left the room. Genya kept a strong grip on my hand. "can I ask you something" he nodded "why didn't you use a breathing style"
he looked at me disappointed "I don't have one" I looked confused, I wanted to ask him more but I didn't want to prey further. he looked at me disappointed.
"Hey don't worry your pretty little head about it, just shows how good you are you got into the corps without a breathing technique," I said trying to make him feel better. It seemed to of worked he gave me a weak smile.
"can I ask you another question," I said praying this one goes better he nodded again "when I waved to you at the final selection why did you walk away"
"oh, because I thought you were cute," he said with ease I was taken aback but I didn't think he'd admit that so fast.
"Are you joking?" I said with slight disbelief. I felt him tug on my hands pulling me towards his face being only a swift movement away I could feel his body heat and I'm sure he could feel mine
"you think so?" he asked I shook my head "I've wanted to do this since I saw you" he leaned in, closing the distance between us.
"Genya, huh, I-" I stumbled with my words our hands remaining together.
"Like you said don't worry your pretty little head about it, we would make a nice couple don't you think" he smiled at me I lay my head on his shoulder and started to laugh.
"you're so stupid"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anyway Genya supremacy he deserves more love Ik he kinda looked like a Digimon in the anime but y'all have to trust me the manga is so much better