Tanjiro x GN.reader (angst)

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⚠︎︎warning: blood and mentions of death⚠︎︎Wisteria flowers𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎

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⚠︎︎warning: blood and mentions of death⚠︎︎
Wisteria flowers

It's hard to breathe I can't run away anymore, and I'm too hurt to fight back. My grip being too week to hold my now chipped sword it falls on the green grass and I follow suit. Just looking up to the sky nonchalantly like I'm not losing so much blood I may die soon but despite that wisteria flowers hang above my dying body, the petals float effortlessly on to my face and body and mixing with my blood that has now stained the grass from emerald green to a crimson red.

I began to lose sight of the flowers, now just bright purple blobs with green lines atop of them my vision worsening by the second I didn't see any hope and after a while, I didn't see anything and slowly fell unconscious.

My eyelids feel heavy and can barely keep them open I sit up a circle of flowers around me it was dark outside. The wound I got from the demon is covered by a checkered haori I don't remember doing that. a figure emerged from the hanging flowers "STAY AWAY FROM ME" the figure stopped I tried to feel for my sword but it was gone.

"Don't panic your completely safe I'm not going to hurt you" his voice was calming as sweet, his words took me off the edge but I was still a tiny bit suspicious."Can I come forward now" I nod he does the boy who came out of the flowers had reddish hair with a scar on his forehead he looked like a demon slayer as well telling by his uniform "how are you feeling"

"Ok I still hurt but it's not too bad, how long was I out for"

"Well about 4 days" my eyes widened "you started to wake up here and there but not long enough to talk and sit up"

"Thank you very much I would have died without you" he smiled, it was warm like sunshine in the middle of June it sorta makes my pain go away.

{time skip}

Ever since that day I and Tanjiro Have been very close. I still owe him for saving my life but he refuses to take advantage of that and just said that it wasn't necessary. We had a mission together, we had to kill a group of demons that were swarming the wisteria gardens at a safe distance. Looking for people who often go there for a safe path away from the demons. We decline the mountain as we got closer Tanjiro started to take big whiffs of the air "y/n I don't smell anything" after he said that he was Pummeled by 2 demons I run back up the mountain the demons were already gnawing at him and trying to kill him.

I took out my sword in a flash hearing the metal clang with the metal of the sheath, I recited my breathing style then cut both of the heads off the demons as they flew through the air I looked at tanjiro somehow through all that pain he probably feels he still managed to smile at me, without hesitation, I picked up tanjiro and started to fly swiftly down the mountain once again. "Where are we going," Tanjiro said his voice was raspy and dry

"Shh don't talk save your energy," I said, we reached the wisteria gardens I lay him on the green grass and take off my haori and rip off the parts I needed, a dwelling strength and Swiftness awoke inside of me because

I have to save him...

I have to keep him alive...

My breathing was heavy after I finished wrapping up him my clothes and hands stained with his blood I started to cry my sobs became louder as his eyes began to shut till I could only hear his faint breaths that I knew soon would run out, I laid next to him seeing the same sight I saw that day the flowers hung above our dying bodies one dying physically and one dying emotionally. I put my hand in his and wrapped my fingers into his fitting perfectly in-between the intervals of his knuckles he couldn't do the same.

"Why Tanjiro I was going to tell you today after the mission. That.. I love you" tears trickled down the side of my face " why can't I keep you alive as you kept me I don't get it" his hand started to twitch I breathed in sharply as he wrapped his fingers around mine. I turned my head to look at him he turned his head as well. Even though he was dying he still managed to smile at me like he always does.

"I love you too...ever sinc-"

"No more save it, please I don't want you to pass out again"

He disregarded what I said and started to speak again "ever since that day I felt like I needed to protect you and love you" a wisteria flower fell on my chest the petals also fell on Tanjiro.

I sat up and wrapped another piece of my clothing around him he sat up as well I tried to push him back down but it was no use, he leaned and gave me a hug with his blood-stained body on mine I felt free and painless we pulled away from each other. His bloody hands cupped my face and pulled my lips into his it felt like they were meant to be there, the kiss lasted for as long as we could hold our breath and felt so natural. I knew he was going to be alright.

I saved him

I kept him alive

Hey besties I literally cried well writing this and I kind of love it also please don't be afraid to request I don't bite and ill take as much as I can♡︎

Love ya- Arie♡︎

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