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Revali: oi

Link: why hello there...

Daruk: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

R: I don't really have any news, and there's really nothing to do here

D: let's just say random stuff

L: okay....?

D: I'll start

R: sure

D: random stuff

L: random stuff

R: random stuff

L: random stuff

D: random stuff

Yiga: shut uppppp

L: no u

Y: well fine then.

System: Yiga has left the chat

D: random stuff

R: shut yo mouth

D: it is shut

R: shut yo fingers

D: idek what that means dude


R: stop saying that. You already said that. It's old.

D: this time, can we actually just say random stuff? Like, maybe write a story?

L: let's write a story then. One sentance at a time.

R: once upon a not so long ago time, there was a small saxophone by the name of Fred.

L: Fred wasn't the shiniest saxophone in town, but that was his ultimate goal.

D: to reach that goal, Fred had to battle both metophorical and literal demons.

R: his metophorical Demons were more difficult than the literal demons, some would say.

L: but the literal demons were still pretty darn difficult  to beat. 

D: but he vanquished them all and soon was the world's shiniest saxophone.

R: the end.

L: bravo!

D: that was fun.

R: meh.

L: so what should we do next?

R: let's gossip!

D: what you're best at

R: thanks man... 

L: dang u taking every insult like a pro 

R: bro... Thanks

D: can't tell if that was an insult or not

R: it wasn't

L: so who we gonna gossip about!

Mipha: guys?

L: Mipha?! This is the guys only chat!

M: you were expecting Mipha, but no, it was me, Sidon!

R: stop it. Get some help.

L: *sigh*

M: okay. Let's get down to BUISINESS.

R: u got the stuff?

M: sure do.

L: oh no...

M: I've got the book of fun facts and you can't stop me from reading them aloud.

L: *gasppppp* no not the book

R: fire at will, Prince Sidon!

M: Fun fact 1: starfish have no brains

L: AHHH no it burns 

M: fun fact 2: peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite

L: I- I

M: fun fact 3: the average Hylian eats eight spiders in their sleep at night.

L: ahhhhhhhhhhh

M: fun fact 4: the average chocolate bar has at least eight insect legs in it.

L: I'm never eating chocolate again...

M: more for me!

System: Mipha has left the chat.

D: I'm scarred for life....

R: I shouldn't have asked for the fun facts

D: you regret it now 

R: but at least I got to see you suffer

D: you are a cruel man, Revali.

R: oh I know 

L: why? Why did you do that? 

System: Groupchat closed.

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