Chapter 2

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You turn to face the window where the early morning sun rays peek through. "Agent Y/L/N Mr Stark is making breakfast," FRIDAY's voice startles you as you sit up, rubbing your eyes and stifling a yawn.

"Thank you FRIDAY," you reply before making your way to your bathroom. You take a quick shower before putting on a black top with one sleeve with some high waisted white pants and some goldish heels. Your hair is in the usual French twist, with some natural make up.

You walk into the kitchen with your phone in hand. Someone whistles at you and you look up at Natasha who is smiling, bringing everyone's attention to me.

"What?" you ask cluelessly.

"Look at you hot mama," She laughs which causes you to giggle as you do a little twirl gaining a laugh from everyone, even Bucky who can't seem to take his eyes from you.

"No but seriously why are you dressed so seriously," you shrug your shoulders while getting some orange juice from the fridge.

"Because I am very professional and I am here to work, not to lounge around in my pyjamas." You join everyone at the table ignoring all the stares, even though it's a great confidence builder. You go back to your phone and continue to read the book you would've last night.

You turn your phone off and leave it on the table while you put your empty glass in the sink. You walk back in to see everyone looking at your phone until Nat picks it up and you watch her trying to unlock it. Bucky catches your eye so you put your finger to your lips and he nods.

You sneak up behind Nat just as she unlocks your phone, you leap and snatch it from her hands. "Nice try, I was watching you the whole time. Besides there's nothing interesting on here anyway." you smirk, you slide your phone into your pocket.

"Ok then I suppose you don't mind telling us about what you were reading, you seemed flustered," Nat has a smirk growing on her face but it stops when you smirk back.

"Oh I can read some of it out for you," you offer and everyone leans forward.

"Ok then, Natasha turns around to find her best friend sneaking up behind her and "boo"" you pause, "...Kayla? screamed making Natasha jump," you finish the 'story' and everyone looks disappointed except from Thor who actually enjoyed the story.

"Natasha, your name was in the story, how splendid!" Thor exclaimed making you chuckle.

"Nice try Nat but no one will ever find out, like I said, it's not interesting anyway," You take off and head to your office, leaving everyone guessing what you was reading.
You never had any breakfast but you never normally do, you left your phone as a distraction so no one noticed. Your meeting with Bucky is in half an hour so that gives you some time to get everything ready.

Someone knocks on your door, and you assume it's Bucky, you open the door to find Steve standing there.
"Hey, do you have a moment?" He asks so you open the door further to let him in. He takes a seat on the chaise and you sit in the arm chair next to him.

"What's up?" you say crossing your legs. Steve sighs and he looks to the ground.
"What ever you say is confidential, it's between me and you. Not even S.H.I.E.L.D will know," you say in a calm and soothing voice.

"I- I feel lost," He stutters not making eye contact with you, you don't say anything and you let him continue, "But I don't at the same time." His eyes meet yours so you respond to him.

"How long have you been out of the ice Steve?"

"A few years," you sigh at his answer and you reach into you mini fridge, "Candy or Chocolate?" He points to a Hershey's bar. So you pass him the red package.

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