Chapter 14

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~ Christmas ~

You woke up to Morgan tickling you, "Y/N wake up, Santa's been!" Morgan exclaims as she pulls back the covers, you sit up tiredly rubbing your eyes.

"Merry Christmas to you too Morgan," you giggle as you slip your slippers on as well as your knitted cardigan.

You walk downstairs with Morgan in your arms, Bruce, Nat, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Tony and Steve sitting in the living room in front of the extravagant Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas," you cheer, everyone's eyes snaps to you and Morgan, each face plastered with a smile. They each wish you a Merry Christmas as you watch Morgan open her presents from Tony.

"Where's Sam and Bucky?" You ask.

"Sam left to visit his sister last minuet and Bucky should be down...soon," Steve smirks, taking a sip of his coffee.

Soon enough, Bucky walks into the living room, holding many gifts in his arms. When his eyes land on you, you can see the redness rush to his cheek, as if he was recalling last night.

Bucky puts all of the presents down and you walk over to him. "Merry Christmas, Bucky."

He pulls you into a hug and everyone 'ooo's', you and Bucky pull apart with confused looks on your faces. Nat points above you to see a piece of mistletoe hovering in the air, thanks to Wanda's powers.

"Can't break tradition doll," Bucky smirks as he leans into you.

"I suppose not," you smile, your lips brush against his. Bucky cups your face with both of his hands as he deepens the kiss slightly. You both pull away blushing and you sit next to each other, everyone's eyes on you.

"I bet Sam wishes he was here to see that," Clint chuckles and Natasha playfully smacks his arm.

Morgan finished opening her presents and she is playing with her toys behind the sofas, you spring up from your seat, "Open mine next."

You pass the gifts to everyone and everyone opens them at the same time.

{Gifts you brought:
• Tony - Ironman onesie with socks
• Steve - Watch and Sketch set
• Natasha - Black Widow spider necklace, pjs and a cocktail recipe book <3
• Wanda - Comfy pjs she can wear even when she's pregnant and a red leather jacket so Nat can have hers back
• Vision - a red silky tie (Wanda suggested it)
• Bruce - A designer sweater
• Clint - Gift set thingy
• Bucky - His Dog Tags and a record player
• Morgan - unicorn pjs and a fancy tea set}

Everyone thanks you for there gifts and Bucky opens his last.

"You brought me a record player?" He asks, his eyes filled with appreciation.

"I thought, maybe, we could go to a record shop and pick some vinyls next week," you suggest, Bucky leans forward and places an affectionate kiss to your forehead.

"Open that one!" You squeal in excitements you point at the smaller wrapped gift.

Bucky unwraps the first layer to reveal a black velvet box. "Woah Y/N's proposing!" Clint teases but you (playfully) glare at him.

Bucky opens the the box and his eyes light up at the sight. He picks the metal tags up with his flesh hand.

"Do you like them? Or did I-" Bucky stopped you from continuing before placing his lips on yours.

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