Chapter 3

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"Bucky doesn't like me like that," You say as you put some gloss on. Nat and Wanda cross there arms and stare at you but you ignore them and grab your silver clutch from the dresser.
"Whatever, lets go downstairs, we are already late." You say as you walk out of your room with Wanda and Nat trailing behind.

Tony has always gone all out with these parties, (from what you've heard). The elevator doors open and everyone's eyes are on you.

"Over here!"

"Miss Y/L/N!"

Cameras flash everywhere. You freeze in the moment and you have no idea what to do or say.

"Just smile and wave," Wanda whispers and you do what she told you too.

"Miss Y/L/N can I ask you something?" One reporter calls out. You smile and try to walk past them but one stubborn one gets in your way. Nat and Wanda are behind you talking to different journalists.

"Y-yeah of course," you fiddle with your clutch but you don't let your nerves show on your face.

"Is it true you are currently living with the avengers?"
"Yes. Its only temporary."
"Are you also a trained S.H.I.E.L.D Agent?"
"Yes I have worked for S.H.I.E.L.D for a few years now." You try to walk past her to get to the main party but more cameras and reporters surround you. The are all shouting things at you and you can barely move; they are all huddled around you.

One question catches your attention, a tall blonde male with blue eyes yells above everyone making them all silent, "Was you trained in the Red Room along with Agent Romanoff?"
Everyone looks towards you, Wanda and Nat share a look and they try to push past the paparazzi.

"I-I- I don't know what you mean, excuse me." you tried to push past them, again. But the shouting started again and it feels like the walls are closing in.

"Please I'm done answering questions." You say getting agitated now. Your breathing quickened and your heart is beating so hard you felt like it was going to burst. You could hear muffled voices come from the crown but due to the flashing lights of the cameras, you couldn't see who was talking.

You felt two hands on your back, guiding you away from the crowd and into a small office space.

"Hey are you ok?" Steve asks while Bucky passed you some water.

"Yeah I just wasn't expecting for the paparazzi to be surrounding me." you take a sip of the water and sit down on the sofa.
"Thank you for getting me out of there," you say thankfully to the two super soldiers.

"No problem, Tony is telling them all to get out so you can actually have some fun," Bucky smiled and you smiled back.

You and the boys talked for about five minuets before Tony came in and gave you the all clear. You make your way out to the party.

"Are you alright?" Nat asked as she wrapped her arms around you.

"Yeah it's all ok now, it was just the lights and the shouting-"
"And that one question am I right?" you nodded in return. You both pulled away and Tony apologised for the paparazzi, he didn't realize they would be so bad. You brushed it off and went to the bar.

"Your usual?" Nat asked as she starts shaking up a storm behind the bar.

"Yes please," you normally have a mojito and then some shots later. You take a sip of the minty drink and you watch everyone on the dance floor.

"Look over there, and your going to tell me Bucky doesn't want you?" Nat teases and you catch Bucky eyeing you up and down before looking away.

"Who wouldn't when I'm wearing this?" you do a little twirl, earning a laugh from your best friend. Wanda strolls over to you and she picked up on Bucky's behaviour too.
"What's up Wand?" you ask curiously - she has a little smirk on her face and you can tell she's been up to something.

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