Chapter 24

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The week flew by and you and Bucky had very few moments together before the wedding. While you were home alone, you would practice your magic, transforming objects into something completely different. An example would be turning a simple piece of paper into a small potted tree and then into a wooden stool.

Bucky probably had his suspicions when he came home to find black wisps floating in the air but you simply told him that it was pre-wedding stress.

You both settled into your new place well and Bucky still went to his appointments with Bruce everyday. From what Bucky has told you, everything is going well and the wedding can still go on.

Here you stood, trying on your wedding dress for the final time before tomorrow. The fabric hugged your body in a flattering way. Tomorrow would be the best day of your life, no doubt about it. You had your vows prepared, not that it was hard for you to think of the right thing to say.

Instead of a bachelor or bachelorette party, you and Bucky settled on a meal with a couple of drinks but knowing Nat, she probably had something up her sleeve for the night. Trading the white gown for a knee length, white satin one, you tidied yourself up before walking into the living room to find Bucky staring into nothingness.

Despite your heels clicking on the floor, Bucky doesn't even turn around or make the slightest movement. Cautiously, you sat next to him and wrapped your arm around him. Nothing.

"Buck, are you alright?" you questioned in a whisper like tone, careful not to startle him. You changed position so you were on your knees in front of him, taking his hands in yours. "James?" you tried again and he blinked a couple of times before looking into your eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine doll and you look breath taking," he smiled before clearing his throat and standing up, lifting you up in the process.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to," you offered him a comforting smile while rubbing your thumb against the back of his hands, "We can stay here and watch the Hobbit, I know how much you loved the book."

"No I want to go out with our friends for one last night before we are married," he leaned in a captured his lips with yours, the taste of mint transferring. He pulled away and you smiled before walking out of the tower with your arm linked in his.


The restaurant that Tony picked out was the same one you went to all those months ago for Bruce's birthday, back when you and Bucky were trying to shy away from your emotions. The place looked the same and you were all sitting on the exact same table as that December night.

During dinner, Steve and Nat gave their 'speeches' and it was full of love and laughter. Albeit, something with Bucky was off. It was almost as if he wasn't really there. Every time you asked if he was alright, he would smile and give you a reassuring kiss. Even Steve noticed his behaviour and took him outside to talk; coming back with both their expressions gloomy.

You tried to brush off the weird feeling that flowed through your bones and instead soaked up the moment of your family and the celebrations before your big day. Dinner was dished out and although you ordered your favourite dish, you couldn't eat a bite.

"I'm going for some fresh air," you excused yourself before walking across the road to sit in the small park that sat opposite the restaurant. You sat yourself on a bench opposite the water fountain that was placed in the middle of the park. It was a particularly chilly night and the stars were almost non-existent tonight. 

The plan of tomorrow ran through your head as a distraction from the real problem tonight. The ceremony was at one o'clock and the reception started at four. In between would be photos and hopefully some time for you and Bucky to be alone.

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