Chapter 18

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There you sat, Bucky's body in your arms and blood covering your once white gown. Your cries turned into screams and everything went silent.

"Please...please...please," you repeat over and over, hoping this was all a bad dream.

"Bucky?" You hear Steve's voice call out which was soon followed by heavy footsteps. Steve crouched down besides you, disbelief covering his face as he wrapped you in his arms.

You didn't notice some of the avengers walking away with people in handcuffs, Bruce comes rushing over with Tony. They both pull Bucky out of your grasp as they start to examine him.

"Bring the Quinjet round. Hurry." Bruce demands as he holds his hands to Bucky's wound.

"On it," Natasha and Clint said at the same time as Steve rocked you. You felt like your heart had stopped when you saw the colour drain from his face and worry on Bruce's.

The Quinjet hovered above you before settling on the ground, Steve let's go if you to carry Bucky onto the jet but his touch is soon replaced by someone else's.

You didn't care who it was; you just needed to be held. "It's alright. He's going to be fine." The familiar British voice calls out. You settled into James touch as he brushed through your hair, while you sobbed into his shoulder.

"Y/N you coming?" Tony shouts from the Quinjet and you shakily stand up.

"Do you want to come James?" You ask, hoping that he will come with you. He nods with a smile, he wraps his arm around your waist as you both walk into the jet together.

You watched your 'home' fade into nothingness, you couldn't look at Bucky's body because if you did, all that hope would be gone.

"He's going to pull through." Natasha mutters as she stands next to you.
"Do you want to change into something else?"

"No, it's all I have of him if- if-" you can't even finish your sentence without breaking down.

"Y/N listen to me, Bucky is stronger than all of us. He will pull through this," she reassures, making you look into her eyes.

"But what if he doesn't? I never got to tell him that I love him," you whisper, tired from crying.

"We are not going to think about that, ok?"

You nod your head and you sit down by the window. Everyone tried to speak to you but all their attempts failed, you could hear Bruce shouting demands at people as he tried to keep Bucky alive.

After a while, the Quinjet landed at Stark Towers, you ran out of the jet, following Tony, Steve, Bruce and Bucky as they headed to the infirmary.

They refused to let you in so you had no choice but to shower and change. You stood under the scolding water for hours maybe, just thinking about what you and Bucky could have had or could have. You would wake up next to each other every morning and take turns making breakfast. Then you would spend the day doing your hobbies and spending time together. Maybe you would get a job to keep you both comfortable or maybe Bucky would still work for the Avengers.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock at your bathroom door, "Y/N you've been in there for hours. Are you alright?" Steve asked and you turned off the taps. You wrapped a towel around your body and opened the door without saying a word.

"Y/N..." he sighed but you ignored him and got clothes out of your wardrobe. You slipped on a sports bra, a vest top and some black leggings all while Steve was in the room but you didn't care anymore. Loads of men have seen your body before it's become normal, although Steve did turn around.

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