Chapter 4

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Cloud and ash covers the sky. The building is in ruin and you can't see anyone or anything. You cough as you try to stand up. A piece of the ceiling has crashed onto you stomach.

"H...Help! Please!" you cough out as you try to lift the piece of concrete off yourself. Your clutch is luckily near by, all you have to do is reach over to grab it. "Come on, you can do this," you say to yourself and your finger tips brush past the material. You take a mini break to catch your breath before reaching for it again, your finger tips get a decent grip but you struggle to move it closer.

After a lot of grunting, you reach into the clutch and you grab your ear piece that you was advised to carry at all times - you never knew why until now. Once the ear piece is in, you can hear everyone communicating, slightly.

"Has anyone seen Y/N?" a voice asks but it breaks up slightly.

"I...I am here but I'm..." a pain shoots through you and you grunt in pain, "I don't know exactly where I am...I'm stuck under some of the rubble," you say as calmly as you can, holding back the painful tears.

"Just stay calm we are going to find you, ok?" the same voice comes through and you nod even through they can't see you.

"Peter. Is Peter ok?" you look down to find an ooze of red liquid flowing like a river from your body.

"Peter is fine, he made it out, most of us did." a different voice said.
"Are you hurt?" They ask.

"I...I can't move," you gulp, "I'm bleeding...I think...I don't know its dark and its smoky," You cough again and you wince from the pain.

You try to lift the concrete off yourself once again, moving it slightly before giving up. "Come on, come on, I can do this," you repeat over and you lifted it just enough to slide your body out. You scream from the rock digging into your hands. You successfully get out from under the rock and you ripped a piece from your dress.

Your bundled it up and you applied it to your wound. You have a deep cut on your right side of your body, from your hip to just under your rib cage.

You squint your eyes to try to get a clue of where you are but there are no obvious give always. "I'm out from under the concrete," You say through clenched teeth into your ear piece.

"Ok just be careful, can you see anything that can tell us your location?" the similar voice questions, you can hear other voices in the background but you can't put a name to them. "I don't know, I can't see much." You press against your wound and you hiss.

"Y/N tell me what's wrong!" The voice is no longer calm and it's more worried and angry in a way.

"Fine. I have been injured pretty badly and I can't see how deep it is but its bad," You never mentioned the cut on your head or your hands - you only mentioned the one you thought was more severe. "It hurts, It hurts so bad and I can't see anything!" you let a few tears fall down your cheek and you feel like giving up.

"I know, I know, but please don't give up Doll," the person talking to you the whole time was Bucky.

"Bucky?" You ask, now hopeful.

"It's me, we are looking for you but we need you to walk a little bit more, can you do that for me, please?" You grip onto the remains of the building and you start you walk further into the fogginess.

You start to feel dizzy and you start to see black dots but you try to move as quickly as you can, "Y/N are you still with us?" Bucky questions, you can hear the worry in his voice.

"Mhm, I don't know how much longer I can last," You pant up against the wall as your legs give way. You sloop down the wall and you begin to close your eyes.

"Stay with me Y/N just a little while longer, I promise," you nod your head as you drag your body around the corner and you can see a balcony.

"B...Bucky...I can...see...the balcony somewhere." You breathe trying to take your mind off the pain.

"It's ok I'm coming to find you." In the background you can hear people arguing through the earpiece.

"Someone... talk to me, I... need to be," You swallow down the pain, "...distracted." Your eye lids grow heavy.

Bucky's voice comes in through the ear piece, "Ok, Doll, I need you to do something for me."

"Mhm," You nod.

"I need you to try and crawl to the balcony, ok? Can you do that for me?" You start to drag your way to the balcony, as you do you focus on Bucky's voice. "You can do this Y/N just focus on my voice ok? You know when I heard you was going to come and work with us I was nervous but I done some research on you," He chuckles and you smile, you are so close to the balcony. You can feel the evening breeze as it sends shivers down your spine.

Bucky continues, "and when I first saw your picture, I thought wow how can one woman be so beautiful. It was as if I fell in love with you before I had actually met you. When I got to meet you, I felt like we had met before. I know it's only been what like two weeks but I care deeply for you, so I need you to stay awake for me please." You can't help but smile at his words.

"I...I am... here, I," You hit the cold marble and you let out a groan and tears fill your eyes.

You put more pressure onto the wound as you look up to the night sky. The stars are bright tonight, they are beautiful. A gust of wind surrounds you as a helicopter hovers above you, trying to find an ideal place to land.

"I'm here now Y/N," you can hear Bucky's smile through the comms. Your eyelids flutter shut and you can hear footsteps running towards you.

{A/N ~ Sorry this chapter is short and I am sorry if it's a bit repetitive, I have no idea what it feels like to be crushed by a building loll but I tried

Thank you for reading this story, it means a lot xx}

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