Chapter 15

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"Merry Christmas Darl," Loki beams, you don't hesitate to run into his arms since you didn't expect to see your best friend again so soon.

"Loki! What are you doing back?" You exclaim, tightening the hug. A deep chuckle is withdrawn from Loki.

"Well I heard that Christmas is a Midgardian celebration so I had to see my best girl," he smiles as you pull away, dragging him to the fire pit. You go to sit back down with Bucky but Loki drags you back into him, so you are placed on his lap.

"Where are you going Darl, I just got here," Loki pouts, you giggle.

"I listened to you Loki and I am now dating the most amazing man," you say, smiling over at Bucky.

"Oh, right. I guess it would be unfair to keep you to myself," Loki laughs yet it lacks humour. Loki releases you from his grip, you place yourself back into Bucky's arms.


It was easily early hours in the morning, but everyone was still talking and having a good time. You buried your head into Bucky's neck as you played with his metal arm. When you began to touch his arm, you could feel his nerves but he soon relaxed. You yawned and Bucky kissed your head, "You ready for bed doll?"

You nod your head, you go to stand up but Bucky picks you up into a bridal carry. "Goodnight everyone, Merry Christmas," Bucky chuckles and you wave your hand goodbye.

"Goodnight Darl," you hear Loki's voice as Bucky turns away.

Bucky drops you onto your bed as he grabs you a pair of pyjamas. "Loki seemed a bit off today," Bucky mutters as he passes you a shirt and shorts.

"Yeah, he did but I will talk to him about it tomorrow," you smile at Bucky.

"Good night, doll," Bucky leans down to kiss you: the kiss was sweet, gentle and short.

"Goodnight," you yawn as Bucky walks out of your room, once you've changed and your tucked up in bed. You think about the day you've had and possibly the best Christmas you have ever had. Loki came home from Asgard and you are officially Bucky Barnes girlfriend.


A load thud wakes you from your sleep, you slowly sit up, you glance around your room but no one is there. You sleepily get out of bed and look outside your bedroom door, the hall way is empty.

You shrug the strange feeling off and head back into bed.

"Hello Darl," Loki's deep voice calls out making you jump.

"Fucking hell! Loki you can't just sneak up on someone like that!" You whisper shout as you flick your light on to reveal Loki sitting in your chair.

"Well perhaps you should pay more attention to your surroundings," he chuckles.

"I want to sleep Loki, can we talk in the morning?" You complain as you lie back down into your fluffy pillows.

Loki pauses, "I actually need to talk now. Before they're all awake."

His serious tone makes you alert, "Go on."

"Are you really with Bucky?" He questions and you nod.

"Break up with him. I don't trust his motives, what if he becomes the Winter Soldier again and hurts you?" Loki's voice raises.

"Loki, he is not capable of becoming the Winter Soldier again, that's why he went to Wakanda in the first place," you sigh deeply, trying to ease his nerves.

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