Chapter 5

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{A/N - This is going to be from Bucky's POV because why not}

Y/N's body is sprawled out on the marble of the ruined balcony, a trail of blood following behind you. Bucky jumps out of the helicopter before it has even landing. He runs towards her just as her eyes flutter shut.

"Nat we need to get the medics!" Bucky shouts through the comms. Bucky applies more pressure to your wound.

"Y/N wake up please, come on," Bucky pleads, his hands now covered in crimson.

Bucky tears some of his shirt off before putting it to the ugly wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Sirens set off in the distance but there is no way they can get you from here. He gently picks you up in his arms, trying his hardest not to hurt you. He watches as the colour fades from your skin and it becomes sickly grey. He carries you to the helicopter that Natasha is flying before they take off for the hospital.

They are there in no time but your breathing has slowed rapidly. Bucky gently puts you on the hospital bed with all the nurses and doctors surrounding you. "Prep for the OR." One demands. They wheel you away and one nurse takes Nat and Bucky to the operation room where they can watch everything.

Bucky's heart stops when he sees your lifeless body on the operation table. Nurses and Doctors surround you as Nat holds Bucky's hand.

"She will pull through Bucky, she beat you didn't she?" Nat gives him a warm smile despite how much pain she is in to see her best friend like this.

"I let her win. I didn't want to hurt her." He admits, "What if she doesn't pull through?" Just as those words come out of his mouth. Your heart stops. A long lasting beep screams through the room.

"No no no," Nat cries out as they start to shock you back. Bucky rushes out of the viewing room and he barges into the OR.

"Sir you shouldn't be in here-" One trainee nurse tried to say but Bucky walks straight past him and holds your hand.

"Y/N it's Bucky, I need you now more than ever. Come back to us." He pleads squeezing your hand tightly. It was no use.

"One last shock, Doctor?" someone asks the lead surgeon and he gives a faint nod. Natasha drags Bucky away from you and she lets the doctors do their thing.

One last shock and your heart beat pops up on the monitor. Bucky and Nat take a sigh of relief before being escorted out of the room. The surgeons fix up your wounds and they pop you into a private hospital room, thanks to Tony. The rest of the Avengers only have a few cuts and bruises thanks to you getting them all out on time and Peter only ended up with a broken arm. The have all been waiting in the waiting room patiently for the last 5 hours. Bucky and Nat are guided back to them all.

"How is she? Is she ok?" They all ask at the same time.

"We lost her for a minuet back there. Bucky stormed into the room before her heart started to beat again and that's why we are here and not in the viewing room." Natasha explains as Bucky anxiously bounces his leg up and down.

"How's Peter doing?" Nat asks as Bucky is in his own little world.

"Just a broken arm, he's resting in room 245. Doctors want to keep him over night." Tony sighs.

It has been 2 more hours since Bucky last saw you. His anxiety was through the roof and he couldn't bare to loose you. He hasn't know you for long but he cares for you like he has known you for decades. Most of the team were asleep since it was early hours in the morning but Bucky didn't want to sleep just in case something happened.

"Natasha Romanoff?" a nurse in purple scrubs asked.

"That's me. Is everything ok?" Nat stands up and the nurse smiled.

"Everything went smoothly except from the odd complication but she is in room 163 if you want to see her. She will be out for a while but you can see her now." The nurse gives everyone a smile as they all start to stir awake.

"Wait Y/N is awake?" Tony asked confused, "How long was I asleep?" He rubs his head.

"No sir, but she can have her family visit her." The nurse walks away and Steve rubs Bucky's back, "Hey Buck, you can see Y/N now." Bucky stands up and he makes his way to your room with Natasha. You are lying in a hospital bed with an IV in your arm. You have a mask on your face but to Bucky you still look like the most beautiful girl in the world. You have bandages all up your arms and you have stitches on your head.

Bucky sits in the arm chair next to you and he holds your bruises hands. "Hey - you gave me a scare earlier," Bucky tries to smile to hide his watery eyes.

"I will come back in a bit, don't forget to get me if some thing happens." Nat leaves you and Bucky alone.

"I know you probably can't hear me but I promise I will not leave this room. I will not leave your side. I should've waited with you or I should have noticed you were not behind us." Bucky kisses your hand. "How can you be so beautiful even after a building just collapsed on you?" Bucky chuckles to himself before kissing your head.


It has been a week since your operation and Bucky has refused to leave your side. Everyone went to the old Stark towers since Tony managed to buy it back until the compound is up and running again. You have received flowers and cards of the Avengers since they are your only family you have.
"Bucky, you need to get some rest and have a shower," Steve said as sat down next to Bucky.

"What if she wakes up? I won't be here." Bucky has refused to let go of your hand.

"I brought some stuff for you to use, I know she has a bathroom so you can use that, I will stay here with her." Steve explained a he practically shoved Bucky into the small bathroom. It didn't take long for Bucky to have a shower, he was inhumanly fast.

"Wow you know you could've had a longer shower Buck, she isn't going anywhere," Steve chuckled as he flicked through a cosmopolitan magazine.

"I know, I just don't want her to be alone, I know she has you but I want her to know I didn't leave her."

{A/N - Another short chapter, there was only so much I could write about I suppose but isn't Bucky a sweetheart: although I might be biased because I wrote him to be this way but any who...Thank you for reading The Broken Soldier!!}

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