Chapter 17

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You started to hand out the cups of tea to everyone, everyone was silent and Bucky just stared at you the whole time.

Tony speaks up, "So engaged huh?"

"Yes, and I couldn't be happier. We're even looking into adoption after the wedding," you smile as you take a seat next to Loki.

"When's the wedding?" Bucky asks.

"2 weeks, we have everything picked out and ready," you explain glancing at the avengers in front of you.

"Do you have the dress?" Wanda asks, sharing a look with Natasha. You nod and gesture for them to follow you upstairs.

While you and the girls are upstairs talking about the Wedding, the boys aren't as calm. Bucky swings at Loki, Loki rubs his jaw as Steve holds Bucky back.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Bucky yells, trying not to let you hear him.

Loki smirks and shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know what you mean."

"Why does she remember us all except from Bucky?" Steve expands but he gets no answer.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Y/N loves me and she is happy here," Loki sighs, "She deserves this life. Bucky, do you know anything about her past?"

The realisation hits Bucky like a tone of bricks, he didn't know anything about your past, only small fragments. Bucky's anger disappears into a disappointment.

Loki continues, "And not to mention that I won't hurt her, I am incapable of that whereas you-"

"That's enough, you are crossing a line," Tony intervenes before Loki can go any further.

"Deep down you all know I done the right thing but I didn't execute it in the right way," Loki crosses his arms looking at the three men in front of him.

You walk down the stares with Natasha and Wanda talking about the wedding and Wanda's baby, you stop when you see all four men looking agitated with each other.

"What's going on?" you ask, the men all look at you and smile like nothing happened.

Loki walked over to you and kissed your lips softly, "Nothing my dear."

"Oh. Well, I was thinking that they could all stay for the Wedding since they are family and otherwise it would just be us and James," you giggle, taking a seat next to Loki.

"We would love that," Natasha beams, earning confused and tired glances from the boys.

You look over at the boys, concealing your disappointment, "If you don't want to stay, you don't have to."

"What? Of course we're staying, so wedding, tell us about it," Tony says excitedly, Bucky huffs and walks out of the house slamming the door behind him. Steve and Natasha excuse themselves and follow Bucky outside, leaving you to talk about the wedding between you and the love of your life.


The Night Before The Wedding

Steve, Tony, Bucky, Nat and Wanda have been staying with you for the last two weeks, you have caught up with them and they have helped you with any last minuet wedding preparations, Loki has tried to keep you away from Bucky but something about him made you attracted to him - like two magnets.

It was 2 in the morning, Loki was sound asleep next to you and normally the sight would make you happy but tonight it felt odd, you shook the feeling off and walked into the kitchen, trying not to wake anyone up. Natasha and Wanda were in a room together, Steve and Tony were in a room together and Bucky opted for the couch.

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