17. Bilbo's Plan

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"Labo vi Orodruin!" I yelled to the guards in Elvish as I was pushed into a cell. I huffed as I moved away some hair that was in my face. So this is it? We really aren't getting out of here. Durin's Day will pass and we'll still be in this dreadful dungeon.

"Eleanor" I heard a soft voice call my name. I didn't realize I was thrown into a cell with someone else. Nonetheless, I knew who's voice that was and I was glad he was in here.

Turning around, my eyes met Fili's. He came to me and held me in a tight embrace. I hugged him back, not wanting to let go. After what I just went through with the King, a sense of relief washed over me as I stumbled upon his familiar face.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you? If he hurt you I swear I will-" He frantically asked as he pulled back.

"No, Fili I am fine." I chuckled slightly as I laid my hand on his cheek. "Although he did tell me I should forget about the quest and stay here. In Mirkwood. I don't feel like talking about the rest but trust me, there's nothing to worry about."

"You..didn't accept, did you?" He asked.

"Oh heavens no, of course I didn't!" I said as he sighed in response.
"I can't just forsake the company. Especially at a time like this. I wouldn't stay here even if I was forced to. Besides, you mean too much for me to just leave." I smiled at him as he did the same while closing the space in between us.

"I'm glad to hear that." He breathed as he held my face with both hands and slowly pressed his lips against mine. I brought my hand to his neck to deepen the kiss but it was short lived as he swiftly pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I just can't." He said with an unreadable look on his face.

"I'm confused. Did I do something?" I asked him.

"No, it's not you. There's been something bothering me ever since that night in the forest of Mirkwood. I've been meaning to ask you something even though I should have done it already. Remember that night when we were listening about how dwarves find their One? Well it didn't take me long to realize that...you are my One. I love you, Eleanor. With all my heart." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"Would you allow me to...to court you?" He asked, blushing slightly.

My heart swelled with joy upon hearing his words. This was probably bothering him the whole time and I didn't realize it. As a dwarf prince, he's suppose to do these kinds of things a certain way and that's why he felt uncomfortable to kiss me this time. I truly did appreciate his politeness.

"I would love that." I whispered back to him, making him grin widely in return. What he did next took me by surprise. He brought my head a bit low, doing the same to his as our foreheads touched. I couldn't help but giggle at this sweet moment. If I could stay like this forever, I most definitely would.


It must've been nearly dawn. Reaching the mountain seemed virtually impossible at this point.

I growled in frustration as I continually kicked the cell door.

"I think you should stop. You've been doing that for an hour already, it's not going to open. Believe me, I tried." Fili commented as he sat down on the stone seat.

"Excuse me but do you have another plan? I can't just sit here and do nothing!"

"Just accept the fact that we can't get out." He said.

"What then? What must we do? Nothing?"

"Just give it some time, my love. Have some faith. Everything will be alright."

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