7. Orcs and Wargs

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Orcs are sat on Wargs as they chased us across the plains. We ran as as fast as we could as Radagast tried to distract them as he said he would. The sun was blazing down on us, making it harder for everyone to keep up considering we did a whole amount of running and we were all growing tired.

"Stay together!" Gandalf called to everyone as we continued to run. I stayed close to Bilbo, protecting him from any harm and making sure he wasn't left behind. I couldn't help but notice Fili occasionally looking behind him to make sure I was still there. We stopped at a large, gray rock to keep us out of sight of the wargs. All the running and the loss of breath made me feel a bit dizzy so I was glad when we stopped for a short moment.

I sensed a presence on top of the rock. I heard low growling and automatically knew what it was. Thorin looked at Kili and nodded to his bow to shoot the warg. Kili grab an arrow, nocked it in place, took a deep breath and quickly stepped out into the warg's view and shot it. I did the same and shot the orc that was sat on it. The rest of the dwarves finishing off the orc that was still alive.

The loud sounds of the dwarves killing the orc caught the attention of the others. Everyone stop and heard them coming our way.
"We must go. Now." I announced to everyone. With my Elven vision, I could see they were closer than I expected.

We went on running, the orcs and wargs following behind. We shortly stopped at a clearing with some rocks and boulders around, my attention went on Gandalf who I noticed disappeared. There was no time for me to question him or be angry.

"We're surrounded!" Fili shouted and I scan my eyes to see wargs coming closer to us.

"Where is Gandalf?"

"He's abandoned us." Scowled Dwalin.

"Hold your ground! Kili! Shoot them!" Thorin yells, taking out his new sword. I push Bilbo in back of me, not giving up now that Gandalf is not here anymore.

"This way, you fools!" I hear and we all spun around to see Gandalf waving his staff behind a rock, signaling us to follow him.

"Go Bilbo! Follow Gandalf!" I hollered, caring more about his safety than my own. Off he went, going down first, then the rest of the dwarves followed. I helped Kili shooting the orcs and wargs that came into our sight. Looking to my left, I saw Fili also helping, slashing at any warg that came close enough.

"Let's go!" Thorin shouted to the three of us. Swiftly, we ran, Kili first, then Fili, then me. As Kili slid down into the cave, Fili and I we're still making our way there.

"Fili! Eleanor! Hurry!" Thorin shouted, stabbing another warg. What happened next was a complete blur to me. I caught the sight of an orc aiming an arrow at Fili's back and before I could warn him, it released the arrow. I ran to Fili and pushed him out of the way, the arrow piercing the side of my torso as I cried out in pain.

"Eleanor!" Fili said as his eyes went wide, looking at the blood seeping through my shirt.

"Come on." He said as he pulled me with him as I tried to ignore the searing pain coming from my side. I slid down the cave, followed by Fili and Thorin. I tried standing up but the pain wouldn't allow me to do so. Kili came to me as I fell back into his arms.
We all heard the sound of a horn blowing, I recognized the elvish horn. An orc came tumbling down with an arrow through it. Thorin walked up and took the arrow out, examining it.

"Elves." He said in disgust as he threw the arrow to the ground.

Carefully grabbing the arrow that was still in my side, I yanked it out causing me to release another cry of pain. Throwing it to the side, Oin came to me and said "She's wounded. She needs help right this instant."

"No, I'm fine." I insisted.

"You're not fine, you need help!" Fili replied, bending down next to me.

"Get her on her feet or carry her, I know some that can help. We must keep moving." Gandalf informed us.
There was a path I knew that was going to lead us to Rivendell and I had a feeling Thorin would not be happy about this.

*Fili's POV*

I didn't give a second thought of whether to let her walk or carry her. I saw how much pain she was in that her legs gave out when she tried standing. This is all my fault, I thought to myself. She wouldn't have been hurt if it wasn't for me. Most importantly, she could have died because of me.

I slid one of my arms under her legs whilst my other arm wrapped around her waist as I gently picked her up, avoiding to put more pressure on her wounded side.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Don't ever do that again." I told her.

"Do what?" She replied.

"Risk your life to save mine."

"You're too special for me not to do that." She croaked, while cracking a small smile."You're welcome, by the way."

"Thank you." I said.

She slowly wrapped her arms around my neck, leaned over and pressed a warm, lingering kiss on my cheek. Her action came as a surprise to me but nonetheless, I appreciated it.

Another cry came from her as an intense pain shot through her wound. I urged the others to walk faster.

"You're okay, you're going to be okay soon, we're almost there." I soothed her.
"As long as I'm here, I'm not going to let anything hurt you." I don't think she heard that last part, she looked like she passed out.
I looked up and saw we were out of the passage way. Rivendell. We were in Rivendell.

We entered a small courtyard facing the main building in Rivendell. Gandalf stood near the stairs waiting to be greeted by an elf. The wizard requests to see an elf by the name of Elrond but he isn't here.

Everyone turned at the sound of horses and elves on them, later forming a tight circle around us. Elrond dismounted his horse and began talking to Gandalf. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, I was more worried about the girl in my arms.

"What happened?" Lord Elrond asks as his eyes landed on me, then to El.

"She was shot by an orc and she needs help." Gandalf replied.

"She shall be taken to the healers immediately." He said as he motioned for another elf to take her. I reluctantly passed her to the elf as they took her away.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Thanks for reading ya lovely people(:

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