27. Arkenstone

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*Fili's POV*

"Everyone! Look for the stone! No one shall rest until it is found!" Thorin ordered all of us. In all likelihood, we have been searching for the stone for almost four hours straight with no breaks in between. I sighed in exhaustion and desperation at the sight of the huge mounds of gold. I know for a fact that I, along with others, have searched every inch of this place. It's obvious the stone does not lie in these halls. But Thorin demands we keep looking.

Running my fingers through the gold, I spot something that catches my attention with its marvelous shine. There laid a golden ring, with a beautiful sapphire gem in the middle, on both sides had diamonds.

This is the one, I thought to myself.

This is perfect.

I managed to swiftly slip the ring in my pocket without my uncle looking, thinking I was up to no good.

I continued with the search for the Arkenstone. I didn't try as hard as I was before. What was the point? It wasn't here either ways. Where could it have gone? I haven't a clue.

Eleanor was in the other side of the room, a look of exhaustion was also written on her face. I felt awful. Not only because of her but because of Kili too. I wish I could do something about this but my uncle doesn't seem like he could be reasoned with at this moment.

*Eleanor's POV*

Four hours. Four hours searching for this accursed stone. I was on the verge on completely giving up on everything. However, I couldn't just stop looking for it. If Thorin saw anyone sitting down, and not looking for the stone, he would yell at them and say the same thing over again.

"No one shall rest until it is found!"

I've had enough of this. I don't care what Thorin does or says. I stand up from my spot and quickly make my way up where he was by walking up the stairs.

There he was. Sharply looking down at the others, hands behind his back as his crown sat boldly and proudly on his head.

"Thorin," I began saying. "We have been searchi-"

"What makes you think you could talk to me?" He answered coldly.

"Well I thought since-"

"Yes and you thought wrong." Thorin interrupted me once again. "I am the king now. I won't be listening to a wench like you."

My eyes widen in disbelief. How could he say something like this? Yes, we had our ups and downs before. But as far as I remember, we ended up on good terms.

"You are not yourself, Thorin." I whispered, my eyes began to sting, tears were on the verge of coming out.

"What did you say?" He was now slowly walking towards me as I started going backwards.

"Nothing. I will just leave now." By this time, my vision was clouded with tears.
Dwalin was walking towards Thorin to inform him of some news from outside. Apparently, Bard was waiting to speak to Thorin about the share of gold he promised him back at LakeTown.

I rushed out of the room, searching all over Erebor until I stumbled upon an empty chamber. When I entered, I quickly shut the door and sat down on the ground. Bringing up my knees to my chest, I couldn't stop myself from crying. What has gotten into Thorin? Did this all start as soon as they entered Erebor? Is this the Dragon Sickness I have been hearing about?

No matter what the cause was, I knew this was not the same Thorin from the start of this quest.

A couple of minutes later, the door swung open. My head shot up, my heart beating rapidly. I was afraid that Thorin was the one who opened the door. But to my relief, it was only the person I wanted to see at the moment.

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