31. Bad Blood

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Bright and early the next morning, once again the elvish army, along with the angry fisherman of LakeTown, were lined up in front of the mountain, with Bard and an all-too-familiar Elven King leading the army.

The rest of us were watching behind the battle settlements, armored and ready for war.
Thorin pulled an arrow from his quiver, steadying it with his bow. Seconds later, he released it, the arrow went flying. It shot just centimeters from the elk Thranduil was mounted on.

"The next one will be between your eyes." Thorin growled, whilst the rest of the company hollered and cheered.

Thranduil smiled. With a quick movement of his hand, the Elven army behind him nocked arrows in their bows and aimed them towards us.

The company gasped and hid behind the stone wall, it would've been only Thorin and I standing, if Fili didn't pull me down with him.

The Elven King lowered his hand, signaling the army to lower their bows and put the arrows back in their quivers.

Thranduil broke the silence. "We've come to tell you payment of your debt has been paid." His eyes rose up to Thorin. "And accepted."

"What payment?" Thorin's voice boomed. "I gave you nothing. You have nothing!"

Bard slipped his hand in his coat, revealing the jewel Thorin most desired for. More than anything else. "We have this," he smiled as he held it up for the Dwarf King could see it.

"They have the Arkenstone," Kili whispered. "Their thieves. That stone belongs to the King." Kili shouted angrily.

"And we will give it back, at our good will," Bard put the stone back into his coat. "But first, he must honor his word." However, Thorin shook his head.

"They're taking us as fools. It's a lie! The Arkenstone is in this mountain! It is a trick!"

"It's no trick." Bilbo stepped in. Thorin turned to look at the Hobbit. "The stone is real. I gave it to them."

Thorin tightened his jaw, sneering at Bilbo. Everyone was watching in astonishment.


"I took it as my 15th share." Bilbo said confidently. I know he said he wasn't afraid of Thorin, but in this case, he definitely should be. Thorin threatened to kill anyone who withheld the stone from him. The courage of Hobbits really does amaze me.

"You would steal from the King?"

"Steal from you? No, no." Bilbo answered. "I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one."

Thorin scowled at Bilbo. I was afraid. But I didn't show it. On the inside, I was shaking like a leaf. Not only for fear of Thorin, but the fact he could kill Bilbo in an instant.

"I'm willing to understand it's my claim." Bilbo said, in a completely normal voice.

"Your claim?" Thorin chuckled. "You have no claim."

"I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to." Bilbo admitted.

"Thief!" Thorin said under his breath.

"You are changed, Thorin. The Dwarf I met in BagEnd would never have gone back on his word, never doubted the loyalty of his own kin!" Bilbo retaliated.

"Do not speak to me of loyalty." Thorin hissed through his teeth. "Throw him from the ramparts!"

Bilbo stood wide eyed. But the company just stood there, not knowing what to do. They looked to each other for answers. But my blood boiled with anger. I was not about to throw a member of my own company to fall to his death.

"Did you not hear me!" Thorin grabbed Fili's arm, jerking him forward. But he resisted.

"I'll just do it myself!" He shouted as he forcefully grabbed Bilbo.

I took a step forward to free him from Thorin's grasp when I felt a hand on my wrist. I looked back and met Fili's warning eyes. He didn't have to say anything for me to know intervening between the King and Bilbo was a stupid thing to do, but I had to do it either ways. That night back in BagEnd, I had promised to keep Bilbo safe, no matter what. I pulled my wrist from his grip, and advanced toward the King.

"Don't you dare." Thorin growled, knowing I was approaching behind him. "This traitor must be punished for what he did!"

"Thorin! Do not harm the hobbit! Release him, and let him come down safely!" I heard Gandalf shout.

But Thorin didn't listen. When Bilbo looked at me with pleading eyes, I knew what I had to do. Swiftly, I drew my sword out and approached Thorin, the tip pointing on his neck. He looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and rage. "Let him go right now, or I swear to Mahal I will kill you."

Thorin looked at the hobbit and threw him towards me. I lowered my sword as Bilbo scrambled to his feet and hid behind me. But I wasn't sure I could protect him from Thorin's wrath.

"So this is how it's going to be? My own company turning against me?" He said in disbelief.

"I knew you were more of an Elf than a dwarf. You are a disgrace!" Thorin bellowed and only anger was shown in his eyes.
"You, along with this halfling, are banished from my kingdom. And if you set foot here again, you will be killed."

Although I didn't show it, but my heart shattered into a million pieces. Eveything I had worked for the last months are wasted. Before I could react, a voice was heard beside me.

"No, uncle. I won't allow you to do this." It was Fili. He was standing up to his uncle for me.

"Fili, don't." I sighed, there was already no point in arguing anymore.

"This does not concern you." Thorin looked at his nephew straight in his eyes, but he didn't back down. I wanted to stop Fili from making this worse but I just couldn't.
"This thing you two have going on," he pointed at the both of us, meaning our relationship, "is no more."

"Thorin, no!" Kili stepped in but with a harsh glare, he silenced him.

"You are no longer to be associating with this Elvish filth. It's over."

"I really do hope you come to your senses before it's too late, Thorin." I whispered but all he did was scowl again.

"You are not making a very splendid figure, Thorin, son of Thrain." Gandalf spoke once more. Thorin stared at the old wizard.

"Never again will I do business with wizards, shire rats, or half-elves!" Thorin bellowed.

"Go!" I heard Bofur whisper to Bilbo and I.
Bilbo grabbed onto the rope that was secured to the mountain. He began to descend to the ground. I glanced at Fili but then quickly looked away, the look on his face was pure devastation. I wish I could do something, but I couldn't. I wish I could at least say one last goodbye to him. I mouthed I'm sorry as I followed Bilbo down, my vision beginning to be clouded with tears.

I think it's safe to say the next chapter will start the battle!! *DUN DUN DUNNN*😱 I don't know how to feel about this but...

i cri.

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