9. A Thunder Battle and Goblins

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Just as Thorin said the night before, we got ready to leave at the crack of dawn. He sent forth Ori to wake me up.

"It's time to get up! We're leaving in less than an hour." He called out, still at the door.

"Yeah, yeah I'm up." I groggily answered back, my eyes half closed, threatening to shut and pulling me back into my sleep.
He left, going about his way while I took the covers off me. Sitting up, I made my way to pick out some new clothes, as my other ones were stained with blood, dirty and tattered with holes. I wore a black tunic, brown trousers and black leather boots. I braided my hair off to the side, letting loose strands to fall near my face. I fastened the sheath around my waist, sliding my sword back into its place. Grabbing the quiver of arrows, I sling it onto my back. I did the same with my bag, I stuff my cloak in there before slinging onto my shoulder. Feeling like I'm forgetting something, I look around my room for a good long moment. My eyes travel everywhere until they stop near my bed.
On my bedside, I see the pendant Fili gave to me. Memories came swirling back from last night as I smile to myself. I pick up the necklace and put it on, giving it one last look as I quietly made my way out into the corridor. I entered a small courtyard where I saw the others waiting with the exception of Gandalf. Where could he be and why wasn't he here, I wondered. I figured he'll catch up to us sooner or later. As Thorin saw me, he motioned for all of us to follow him.

I walked aside Bilbo as we followed the others. We walked back the same way we came from until we reached the gate that separated Rivendell and the rest of Middle Earth.

"Be on your guard! We are about to step over into the wild." Thorin warned us before telling Balin to lead us on, due to his knowledge of these paths.

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up." Thorin grunted, looking at Bilbo who was slightly turned around, looking out at the great Elven city. Bilbo nodded at him before continuing on walking behind Oin as I followed behind. I know what he felt. I hated leaving Rivendell. It's such a wonderful place.

I was worried about journeying through the Misty Mountains. Last time I came around this place, I was attacked by a group of goblins who took me prisoner for a short while. Luckily, I escaped without being seen by anyone. Before that, they had taken me to their king. The Goblin King. Who was more foul than any of the goblins combined. They tortured me a lot and I knew I had to get out of that place as soon as possible.

I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing how far we've been walking now. Rivendell was no where in sight. But the Misty Mountains were. My stomach churned as I looked at it in the distance.

Thorin began to lead up the way, I allowed Bilbo to walk in front of me. Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder which resulted in the rest of the company to look up as storm clouds began to gather up and drops of rain to pour down. I pulled out my cloak from my bag before putting it on and flipping the hood onto my head.

We made it half way up the mountains, consisting of us following old paths alongside the mountains. Strong winds were blowing hard on us, effecting Bilbo the most, causing the little hobbit to stumble backwards a few times. I grab a hold of his shoulders to keep him steady. The hood of my cloak would not stay on so I left it down, not making a difference considering how soaked I already was.

The thunder and lightning was getting worse, the rain making the path slippery. I think we all slipped at least once. The first time I slipped, Fili was behind me and caught me before I hit the ground. I quickly thanked him as we continued on. The entire time, he kept a hand on my back to keep me steady.

Without me noticing, Bilbo yelled as he slipped on a loose rock but before he could fall, Bofur and Dwalin grabbed him and pulled him back.

"We must find shelter!" Thorin yelled over the roaring of the thunder.

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