12. His Name is Beorn

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We ran continuously, I quickly was growing tired after running this whole length. My legs felt like giving out but I couldn't stop now. Night was falling near, the skies turning gray, soon it would be getting dark and the pack of Wargs would not quit hunting us now. There were too many of them to fight off and we didn't plan on being their meals any time soon, so we ran. We have ran a whole bunch lately and we were all exhausted.

After a while, my wounds from the warg began to heal, which was a great thing for me. Just as I said before with the whole situation with Thorin, we seemed to get along well every since he surprised me with a hug. Well if you want to say getting along, I'm just glad we haven't tried to tear each other's faces off since then. Sure he would have his stubborn moments where you would want to slap him repeatedly but I didn't. Sometimes there were good reasons for what he did and I couldn't lay blame on him. Then again, I remember how it used to be back when we first started this quest and it's definitely nothing compared to how Thorin and I act now. I don't, nor should I hold him responsible for that incident back at the Shire. It was my fault for opening my big mouth and I regret it now that I think of it. Nonetheless, the past is in the past and I am grateful to be apart of this journey with people that matter deeply to me.

It startled and worried, however excited me as I realized we we're quickly approaching the lonely mountain. Before you know it, we will be standing before the great halls of Erebor. I, for one, never got to see them with my own green eyes. But an honor would it be for me to witness them for myself. The part that startled me was the dragon. Heaven knows what will happen if we awaken that beast. And if any ruin were to occur anywhere, it would be our responsibility. And the worried part, I sensed danger lingering in that mountain every time I lay eyes on it. The sickness that lies on that gold. I know of Dragon Sickness and I know of the fate it can bring. I do not want that happening to Thorin. If anyone hears and sees him caring more about gold than others, or even himself, he has acquired the sickness. I know all of us do not wish than upon him.

I ran my fingers through my brown locks, leaning against a large rock as I tried to catch my breath. We were awaiting for our burglar to return from scouting.

"How close is the pack?" Questioned Thorin as Bilbo made his way down the narrow pathway to us.

"Too close, a couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst part." Bilbo replied, panting for breath.

Worst. What's worse that could possibly be out there?

"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asked.

"Not yet, but they will." Bilbo answered. "But we have another problem."

"Did they see you?" We all to look at Gandalf, a concerned look on his face.

"No, they didn't. If so, they would've been after us already." I tell them.

"Yes" Bilbo nods.

"What did I tell you, quiet as a mouse!" Gandalf smiled proudly.

The others began to chat amongst themselves, agreeing with his truthful words. "Excellent burglar material!"

"Will you just listen, I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there!" Bilbo yelled, causing the company to look back at him.

"What form did it take? Like a bear?" Gandalf asked.

"Yes, but bigger! Much bigger!"

"Gandalf, do you know of this creature?" I asked him.

"There is a house, it's not far from here and it is somewhere we could take refuge, if we are careful." He answered, completely ignoring my question.

"Who's house is this? Are they a friend or foe." Thorin stepped closer to Gandalf.

"Neither." He responds calmly. "He will help us or he will kill us."

My eyes widened at the sound of that. Why would Gandalf want us to be involved in such situation like that, the fact there is the slightest possibility we can be killed by this..bear...type....thing.

Our attention diverted to the distant howls of the wargs, signaling us it was time to go.
"What choice do we have?" Asked Thorin.

"None." Gandalf tells us as we found ourselves running again. We ran throughout the whole night and early in the morning until the sun was beginning to set once again. The words exhausted and worn-out do not describe how I'm feeling at this point. I felt my legs could break off now.

"Come on, El!" Fili called out, slowing down a bit so I could catch up with him. He ran by my side, watching me closely the whole time. Just his loving gaze focused on me made me feel protected.

We continued on running, entering a forest full of trees towering over us, the sounds of the wargs only sounding closer and closer.

As we ran, we saw the sight of the house Gandalf was talking about getting greater. Relief washed over me, knowing we could stop and rest soon. It was surrounded by large trees, green hedges casting large shadows and there was an opening that looked like a gate.

The company crashed into the large door, hurriedly trying to open it. The large bear making it's way to us. Thorin unlatched the hook, allowing us to squeeze into the house.

A large growl was heard, the snout of the bear was made visible as we tried closing the door. It took a lot of our strength, making us even more tired, if that was even possible.

Swiftly closing the door, we stood back trying to catch out breaths.

"What was that?" Ori asked.

"That is our host." Replied Gandalf. "His name is Beorn. He's a skin changer. Sometimes he's a huge black bear, sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable but the man, however can be reasoned with. However, he is not fond of dwarves."

This is the skinchanger's house? And how is it okay that we stay in here? Also, he is not fond of dwarves. That's bad already, considering it's all our company, except for Gandalf, Bilbo and I. I wouldn't classify myself as just a dwarf, considering I don't look like your average one. But still. This doesn't seem right but I'm sure as hell I would rather stay in here instead of going back out there running like we had been doing for days. My aching legs would not last more without rest.

"Alright, now get some sleep, all of you. You'll be safe here tonight." Gandalf insisted.

"I hope." He whispered that last part.

Hey guys! So this is the first chapter for Desolation of Smaug! And I'm really excited to be starting this second part! I hope you all liked this chapterrr(:

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