26. Journey To The Mountain

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It took hours before we reached solid, dry ground. There was a large multitude of people already here and it didn't take me long to realize it was the entire population of LakeTown, or at least the ones who made it out alive. They were gathered together, talking of their lost town and goods, and what they were to do next.

Sigrid and Tilda were the first to get off the small boat, yelling and looking for their father. I sure do hope he and Bain are well.
After a few moments, I recognized a tall figure in the distance not too far, I knew immediately was Bard. I smiled as Tilda and Sigrid both excitedly ran up to their father and gave him a huge hug. Bain wasn't far behind and he too ran up and gave his sisters a hug. "Thank you." Bard mouthed toward Fili, Kili, Oin, Bofur and I as we nodded.

As much as we all wanted to stay, we knew we had to make for the mountain as soon as possible. A big commotion began as everyone gathered in a circle with Bard and Alfrid in the middle. We couldn't linger any longer. I felt someone's hand intertwine with mine. I look up to and met Fili's eyes.
"We should head on now."

I nodded as he placed a kiss on my forehead. One by one, we each get back onto the boat. With the exception for Kili. He was trying to persuade Tauriel to come with us. It was obvious what was going on here but that's none of my business.
But I guess she couldn't by the look on Kili's face when he came walking back toward the boat. He gave the boat one last push before jumping on himself.

Probably forty five minutes to an hour later, we climbed out the small boat, upon arriving on dry land, we continued on foot the rest of the day. Our tiredness was definitely a difficult challenge we had to overcome. No matter how exhausted we all were we knew we didn't have anymore time to waste.

Hours later, the mountain was slowly coming into our view. I couldn't help but continually gazing upon its magnificence. What I did notice was the front door was, if you want to say, busted open. Mostly likely it was the work of the dragon.

A couple minutes later, we arrived at the entrance of the great dwarven kingdom of Erebor. There were some parts that were torn and broken but it still didn't cease to amaze me.

"Hello! Bifur? Bombur? Anybody?" Bofur called out but there was no response. The whereabouts of everyone made me wonder what they could be doing. We walked along these raised walkways, until we were steps away from the treasure room. Suddenly, it was as if Bilbo appeared out of nowhere. I was about to hug him to death but he wore a face of fear mixed with desperation.

"Bilbo!" Said Bofur with joy but Bilbo only shushed him with his finger.

"You need to get out of here. We all need to get out."

"But we just got here." I replied.

"Thorin! It's Thorin." He spoke in a low voice. "He doesn't sleep, he barely eats, he's been in there for days."

All of a sudden, Fíli took off, swiftly walking down the stairs whilst Bilbo continually called after him. We all abruptly came to a stop at the sight below us. It was Thorin. He was muttering to himself as he admired the gold below him. Wearing a long robe as a crown sat upon his head, I could already tell this did not seem like Thorin.

I glanced at Fili, who had a worried looked not only for his uncle, but for the gold itself. From the look in his eyes, I could tell he knew of the evil and greed the gold caused upon Thorin.

"Gold...gold beyond measure, beyond sorrow, and grief..." Thorin walked along the gold, finally looking up and taking notice of us.

He slowly reaches down and grabs a fairly large ruby and chucks it towards Fili. He catches it just in time, observing it before looking back at his uncle.

"Behold, the great treasure hoard of Thror. Welcome! My sister's sons, to the kingdom of Erebor."

Eh bit of a short chapter but it's all right☺️ and I just wanna thank you guys because I finally reached my goal of 10k reads!!🎉🎊 THANK YOU!^.^

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