4. The Quest Begins

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*Eleanor's POV*

As soon as Thorin gave his order, everyone stood up, quickly got their things and went for the door. Obviously we could not get out all at once so we were in a single file line. Thorin was standing to the side, watching everyone go through the door with arms crossed over his chest. When I came into his view, he glared at me. I glanced at him but then lowered my head a bit to avoid awkward eye contact. As soon as my foot touched the dirt, I rushed to get to my horse, Marco. Sure enough, he was there waiting for me. He even got a little too excited to see me, for he was neighing and jumping around.

"Whoah boy! Calm down!" I laugh as I gently petted his head.

"What a nice horse you have!" I turn my head to see a smiling Fili making his way over to me.

"Thank you. His name is Marco if you were wondering."

"Hello Marco, your a good boy huh?" Fili petted him with both hands, Marco liking the attention he's getting.

"He seems to like you." I chuckled, which made him grin widely at me. He's too adorable! Wait. Am I talking about Fili or the horse? Even I don't know.

"Let's go!" We heard Thorin shout from the front where he was. It looked like Fili was about to say something but then he sighed. I wonder what it was.

I hopped on Marco with ease, firmly grasping his reins. We all rode in a straight line, with Gandalf in the front, followed by Thorin and so on. It was silent on our way out of The Shire. Not an awkward silent but more of a comfortable silent. Well, that was until all the dwarves, including Gandalf, started betting on whether or not Bilbo would show up. I didn't feel the need to bet on this type of situation. I already had a strong feeling Bilbo would turn up.

We continued walking until I hear some kind of noise in the distance. My Elven hearing allowed me to hear what it was.


The faint sound of the hobbit running and yelling.

"Everyone! Stop!" I shouted, loud enough for Thorin to hear me.

"What is it?" He said with a harsh voice.

"Wait! Wait!" The sound of Bilbo yelling was getting closer. Soon enough, he came into out view. Holding the contract he was suppose to sign!

"I signed it!" He said with a smile on his face. He handed it to a dwarf by the name of Balin. He looked it over for a second and then said "Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins! To the company of Thorin Oakenshield." He said as he smiled at him.

"Give him a pony." Thorin commanded.

Then immediately Bilbo started protesting on why he didn't need a pony, something about walking holidays, but before he could finish his rant, Fili and Kili pulled him up onto a pony. The look on the poor hobbit's face. He was so uncomfortable. Then immediately, the dwarves started tossing each other bags of coins. It must be of the bet they made.

"Hey there!" Fili rode his horse next to mine.
"Hi Fili!" I smiled at him.

"Eleanor seems a bit of a mouthful for me, is it fine if I call you El?"

"Go ahead, it's fine with me." I replied. "So I see you also believed Bilbo would join is after all."

"Yes, I did. I also saw potential in the hobbit, like you did. And by the way, I'm sorry about what happened between you and my uncle. I know how he can get. I meant to tell you about this sooner but-"

"You don't have to apologize. It was my fault. I should've kept my mouth shut. Don't worry about it." I cut him off. I didn't want Fili thinking he was responsible for something that I did or anything like that.
Fili nodded, understanding what I said to him.

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