32. The Battle Begins

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There was an army approaching ahead of us. Bilbo and I were now standing with Gandalf as we watched the army coming towards us. I immediately knew who it was. Lord Dain Ironfoot from the Iron Hills. He was mounted on a hog, along with a dwarven army behind him. He had a very haughty posture as he rode along. Looks like he decided to turn up after all.

"Who is that?" Bilbo asked, glancing at the dwarf ahead of him. "That is Dain Ironfoot from the Iron Hills. Thorin's cousin." I answered him.
"Are they alike?"

"Well let's just say I always considered Thorin as the most reasonable of the two." Gandalf replied with a hint of desperation.

The army finally stopped close enough with Dain riding out a bit further. He then halted and began talking in a surprisingly thick accent.
"Good morning to ya. I have a little proposition if you do not mind. If you'd just give me a few moments of your time. Would you consider to..leave at once!"

"Now, calm down Lord Dain." Gandalf said but Dain continued on. "Gandalf the Grey. Tell them to go or else I will irrigate this land with their blood." Well, now I know he too has an intense hate towards Elves like Thorin. They are alike!

"There's no need for war between Dwarves, Men, and Elves! The legion of Orcs are up in the mountains. Join forces to take them out." Gandalf proposed but Dain, the typical Dwarf, refused.
"No, I will never join forces with an Elf. Especially not with this Woodland Sprite. They desire nothing more than bad for my people! I would split his pretty head open, see if he's still smirking then!"

"He's clearly mad, like his cousin!" Thranduil retorted, smirking as he rode up next to us.

"You hear that lads? Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" Dain declared as his army prepared for the battle.

"Here, Eleanor. You're going to need this." Thranduil said as he handed me a bow and a quiver full of arrows. I noticed this was my bow. From when we first got captured in Mirkwood. I thanked him with a nod. I strapped the bow and quiver behind my back. But suddenly, a strange noise came from under the ground. I looked ahead in confusion, not knowing what was causing the sound. "Were-worms." Gandalf said to himself. Giant worms with a large mouth and many teeth sprung out from the ground, crushing rocks that were in there way.
"Oh, come on!" Dain yelled, looking towards the rather large worms.

*Kili's POV*

The war was beginning right before our eyes. The Men of LakeTown, Elves, and my kin. The Dwarves of the Iron Hills. I was ready to go out there and give it my all. "I'm going over the wall, who's coming with me?" Dori announced, gaining a lot of yes's and agreements from the rest of the company. Except for Thorin, of course. "Let's go." Dwalin said but Thorin stopped us.
"Stand down." He said. We all looked at each other in confusion. Why wouldn't Thorin want us to fight in our own battle? In a battle that he created?
"I said stand down!" He shouted angrily, walking back into Erebor.

*Eleanor's POV*

"Gandalf, is this a good place to be?" Bilbo asked worriedly as the armies were getting into position to fight. Not with each other, you see, but against another force. The race of the Orcs are enemies of all. I'm positive the whole disagreement with the gold could be put aside for right now.
The army of LakeTown retreated back to Dale. Gandalf made Bilbo and I follow behind him. "To the city! This way, you two!" Gandalf shouted as we all ran towards the city of Dale. Some time after we got there, it was already overrun with Orcs and giant trolls. There was nothing else to do but to fight them off.
Taking out my bow and nocking an arrow it, I began aiming at Orcs at long distances. Missing the blows this orc aimed at me, I stuck the arrow in its head before using it again and firing it at another.
"Bilbo, watch out!" I shouted as an Orc advanced towards him. Using his sword, he successfully stabbed it. Realizing this was not a safe place, we moved to another area where there weren't many orcs.

*Fili's POV*

We sat on the rubble and rocks that were piled up together, awaiting for Thorin's next decision. But we figured it wasn't going anywhere. Dwalin had informed us on Thorin and his words. Mostly importantly, what he planned on doing next. To take shelter in here and hide the gold whilst the others fought our own battle. I knew Kili was angry at our Uncle's choice. Not just that but for every bad choice he's made ever since we reclaimed Erebor. But what were we suppose to do about it? Go out on our own? No. Thorin would have our heads.

Just then, slowly out of the shadow came a determined looking Thorin. Sword ready in his hand. My brother slowly walked towards him. "I will not hide behind a stone wall while others fight our battles for us!" He shouted in anger. "It's not in my blood, Thorin."

"No, it's not. We are sons of Durin. And Durin's folk do not flee from a fight." Thorin answered confidently. Looks like Eleanor's wish came true. That Thorin came to his senses before it was too late. And it seems he has.

"I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me one last time?" We all rose to our feet, determination filling us all up. We all followed Thorin out until we stopped at the entrance of Erebor.

Well. Things are escalating quickly.🌝 anyways just one quick note, if you haven't noticed I am following the movie. Duh. But I'm not following it all the way EXACTLY 100 PERCENT cuz if that's the case then what shall I do with the Eleanor parts I already planned out?¿🌚 It's just for clarification yall.

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