23. Healing Kili

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I hurriedly led the small group through the empty streets to Bard's home. As soon as we reached the steps, I stepped aside as Bofur went in front and knocked multiple times on the door.

It didn't take long for Bard to open the door. He had an angry look on his face.

"No, I'm done with dwarves. Go away." He said, about to slam the door on us, which at that moment, shattered every piece of hope I had within me.

"No! Wait, please!" Bofur said, stopping Bard from closing the door. "No one will help us. Kili is sick. He is very sick."

Bard glanced at Kili, who was leaning against Fili, his face was pale and look as if he would pass out at any moment. Bard hesitated before answering.

"Fine. Get inside quickly." Sighed Bard, moving out of the way so Fili and Oin could help Kili inside. "Lay him on the bed."

I silently thanked him as I brushed past him. Kili was screaming as they laid him down.

"Bain, get some water." Bard ordered his son.

Fili and I tried calming Kili down but nothing worked. He released multiple screams full of pain as Oin took off the piece of cloth that was wrapped around his leg.

"Oh my.." Oin said as his eyes widened.

"What? What is it?" I questioned.

"There's still a shard of the arrow inside his leg. And I believe it's infected."

"Not only that, but the arrow was poisoned." I confirmed to him." He needs it taken out of him immediately."

"Alright. I need you to help hold him down. This will hurt him a lot."

I pushed down on Kili's shoulder as Fili did the same on his other side, Bain putting pressure on his uninjured leg. Kili cried out whilst Oin successfully pulled out the shard but that didn't stop him from being in pain.

"Can you not do something?" Fili asked Oin.

"I need herbs. Something to bring down his fever." Oin replied.

Bard began to search through his bag of medicines.

"I have Nightshade." He answered back to us.

Nightshade won't work in this case. We need something stronger. We need Athelas. For a split second I was about to reach into my bag and pull it out but then I remembered the elves of Mirkwood took away my bag. I mentally slapped myself in the face.

"Nightshade won't do. Have you got Athelas?" I questioned.

"Athelas?" Bard was confused.

"I'm sorry, I meant Kingsfoil."

"No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs." Bard confirmed.

"Pigs? Weed? Right." Bofur rushed up to Kili and points at him. "Don't move."

Bofur then runs out of the house in search of pigs and Kingsfoil.

Sorry for not updating as much as I use to! :( school has me stressing so much and I hardly get any time anymore. And I just wanna thank you all for 8k reads!! I'm close to my goal which is 10k! :) thank you thank you thank you!

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