The time Midtown has a fire

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Peter had been half asleep in English class when the fire alarm rang. He went with Ned down the stairs to the open ground of the football field. It was seemingly alright until some events happened. 

Namely, the windows of the entire science floor blew up and glass rained down on the children, who were screaming and ducking with their jackets over their heads. 

They realized that the fire was real, and not a drill. 

Peter was listening out to make sure nobody was left behind. 

And unfortunately, there was a student left behind. And this student happened to be Peter's younger best friend, adoptive sister, Morgan Stark. She was hiding under a table in the science lab. 

"Morgan's still in there!" Peter yelled. His teacher checked with her teacher and realized that he was correct.

"We are having the firemen come, she will be alright." his teacher said, knowing the close bond Peter shared with his sister.

"There's no time!" Peter yelled at his teacher. He was about to walk back in, but his teacher stepped in front of him.

"You can't go back in there." he said firmly. 

"Like hell I can't!!" Peter yelled back at his teacher. 

"Stop lying Penis!" Flash yelled. Everyone was looking at them now. 

"PETEY!!!!!!" Peter heard Morgan scream. Peter's eyes widened, and he started running towards the school. His teacher made a move to catch him, but Peter simply flipped over him easily. 

He dodged every teacher and ignored gasps.

"I'M COMING MORGIE!" Peter yelled back. Peter jumped straight on the wall of the school and started climbing the 15 floors without thinking of the outcome. 

Halfway through, Peter pulled out a mask from his pocket. The Spider-Man Mask. If the climbing walls weren't enough confirmation, this certainly was. 

Rather than putting it on, he simply held it in his hand while he ran up the wall as if it weren't upright. 

"Morgie!" Peter yelled as jumped into the burning lab. His lungs were filled with dust and burning sensations, his eyes were watering, but he shoke that aside and searched for his sister. He found her crying under a broken table. 

He ran over and bent in front of her.

"Morgie? Are you okay?" he asked her. 

"Petey!" she said, hugging him tightly. 

Peter gently pulled the mask onto her face and let her wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. 

"We're gonna get you out of here. I promise." Peter said softly, as he stroked her hair and jumped out of the building. He used one hand to create a sort of hammock under them. 

He attached the web from the statue in front of the school all the way to the window on the first floor. As they were falling, Peter flipped in the air, causing his back to hit the hammock with Morgan tucked safely into his chest. 

A minute later, Peter hit the comfortable web sling. He was rewarded with loud cheers. He paid no attention to them. 

"Morgie, we're safe now, are you okay?" Peter asked her softly, lifting the mask off her face. Morgan's face was dark with soot. Her eyes were red. But other than that, she seemed fine. She nodded. Peter put the mask on himself to double-check. 

"Karen, scan her." Karen took a full body scan of Morgan.

"It appears that Ms. Stark is fine other than the fact that she is in need of a hug." Karen answered a few seconds later. Peter got off the hammock and put his sister down, giving her a bear hug. 

"Do you need a N-ug? Or A M-ug?" he asked her. That was short for 'Ned Hug' and 'Michelle Hug'.

"Both." Morgan whispered. He towed her over to his friends and they both immediately knew what to do. They crouched down as well, and Morgan jumped into their arms. 

Peter finally heard the screams and cheers. 

"K, tell Mr. Stark that it finally happened." 

A minute later, Peter was alerted that he was receiving a call from Tony. 

"Please tell me you at least did it in a dramatic way?" Tony pleaded with a smile. He had been betting with Peter when the identity reveal would happen. Peter had been saying that it would never happen, while Tony had bet that it would happen sooner than he thought. 

"Not exactly, uh, our science lab caught on fire and I freaked because Morgan was inside and I climbed the wall and got her out." Peter explained. 

A few minutes later, everyone heard the thrusters of Iron Man coming closer. 

"Maguna?!" came the robotic voice of Iron Man. He stepped out of his suit and rushed to her side. She jumped into her father's hands. 

"Are you okay?!" he asked her, hugging her tightly. 

"Petey saved me!" she said happily. Tony nodded at Peter, pulling him into the hug as well. 

"Thanks, Pete." Tony said gratefully. Peter smiled back. 

"Now, wanna do the reveal for real?" Tony asked, nodding his head to the student body with a grin. Peter sighed, smiling a little. 

"Hey yo!" Peter yelled, getting everyone's attention. 

He pressed the IronSpider, or as it looked like to the others, double-tapping his chest, and then the IronSpider expanded and covered his entire body.

"I'm fuckin' Spider-Man!" he yelled, doing a triple backflip in the air. One voice broke through the atmosphere. 

"Fuck!" Morgan squealed. Peter fell on his back, groaning. 

"Pepper is gonna murder me." he said. 

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