Stark Family Siblings

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CruellaOurSaviour's request: Ok so I was thinking that Morgan and Peter are siblings (Peter like 17 and Morgan like 14, Tony and pepper parents btw) and all of Morgan's friends have a crush on Peter and everyone notices except him, idk I jsut think this would be a funny chapter :)

dude u give the best requests ever, thank u so much for giving such a fun one! hope u like it! :D 


"MORGAN!" Peter yelled, entering the lake house. 

"Just a second guys," Morgan told her friends, turning to the door as he reached her room. He was taking off his shirt so that he could wipe off the sweat on his face. 

"Did you take my deodorant again?" he asked her playfully. Morgan grinned back.

"I told you, it smells so much better than the one mom got for me!" Morgan tried to defend.

"And what's wrong with the one mom got you?" he asked, sitting down beside her on her bed. 

"It's too strong of a flower scent! You would know, you practically cry every time I put it on!" Morgan said laughing. Peter scrunched his face up at the thought. 

"That is true, yes. Well, I stink right now, so I need it. Talk to you after you finish your call?" Peter asked. Morgan nodded. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and then got up, grabbing the deo from her dresser and walking back out. 

Morgan turned back to her laptop, but she found that her friends were giggling. 

"What's so funny guys?" she asked, confused. 

"Nothing! Nothing, just..."

"Just what?" 

"Who was that?" they asked, giggling even more. Morgan shrugged it off. 

"That's my brother Peter. He's a dork. But a lovable dork." she said, smiling. They started talking about the previous conversation once again, trying to figure out where to have their sleepover. 

"You guys have never come to the lake house. Come here!" Morgan asked. 

To her surprise, they actually agreed! And so, it was set. They talked to their moms and fixed it up, and the next day, her 3 friends were coming over for a sleepover. 


Morgan hugged her friends excitedly as they spoke too fast for anyone to understand, squealing loudly. 

"Morgan! Quiet down!" Peter yelled from his bedroom. 

"Ugh, shut up Peter! I never say anything when you and Ned freak out!" Morgan yelled back, huffing and taking her friends into her bedroom nevertheless. 

"You're fighting?" her friend Ella asked. 

"Not really. He's just being a pain today for no reason." Morgan said, rolling her eyes. 

Just as they sat down on the bed, Morgan's phone buzzed and she opened her messages to see a picture of Peter pouting with a filter making his eyes big like a baby seal and a bunch of gifs around his face saying 'sorry'. Morgan smiled, replying back 'fine. luv u too dork.' and was rewarded with a big smiley bitmoji.


A few hours later, they were all dressed in their pajamas and sitting on mattresses on the floor of the TV room. They had just finished watching a bunch of movies on their lists, having fun. Then Pepper called them all for dinner, saying it was almost over. 

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