Strange. Not Mr tho, it's bb Strange!

918 40 3

TheDrar's prompt: Sorcerer Supreme Peter where Strange has very high respect for him, and meets him for the first time. None of the Avengers know he is Sorcerer Supreme though

things to notice: WOO I MANAGED TO WRITE A CRACK FIC FOR ONCE WITHOUT ANGST!!! also mentions of hurling. enjoy!!!

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The Sorcerer Supreme was someone who commanded and bent time. He had the power to make it as if one never existed, and the power to create the future in the present with the flick of his fingers. He was to be respected and cherished above everything. 

Then, pray tell, why was the Sorcerer Supreme a child?

Oh, that's right. He was walking around the streets during a literal battle and saw a 'pretty stone' on the floor, that recognized it as its owner way before Steven Strange even had his accident. 

This is the world where Peter B Parker is the Sorcerer Supreme, and Steven Strange is his disciple. 

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Peter was currently puking his guts in the middle of the Avengers Common Room, them looking half concerned and half disgusted. 

According to them, Peter was talking, and then suddenly froze, and then suddenly bent to the side of the couch and puked into Tony's trash-can-for-drunk-parties. 

What actually happened was that in the middle of the conversation, the stone acted up, suddenly dragging his soul into multiple dimensions as if it was a go-go ride and landing up in his body once again, causing him to hurl at the literal out-of-body experience. 

He was still trying to get control of it anyways. Magic and Biology were HARD to combine in one hot body! Peter said constantly. Even so, the fact that he unexpectedly threw up was concerning enough that Tony and Bruce decided to take him to the hospital because even F.R.I.D.A.Y's scans didn't know what was going on. 

When they landed up at the hospital, Peter still clutching the dust bin like it was his lifeline in the big, bad world, the nurses took him to a private room, seeing how it was the Avengers who wanted to be on the 'DL'. Tony demanded the best doctor available, and even declared he would pay extra. 

"--I'm not a pediatrician, for gods sake- Parker?" came a voice, and in stepped Doctor Stephen Strange, fresh out of surgery and looking like he was seconds away from rolling his eyes out. 

"What up-*BLECH*...hi, Mr. Strange." Peter said, in between hurls.
The Avengers looked at each other, confused about why Peter knew a doctor, not just any doctor but the best surgeon in the entire country personally. 

"Uh, May?" Peter tried to say as an explanation, but Strange's next actions obviously cancelled that out. 

"Sorcerer Supreme, how may we assist?" Strange asked, summoning his robes and ring immediately, a few of his sorcerer disciple/friends right beside him, bowing while Strange didn't. 

"I- no! No! Not a magic sitch! It's not-*BLECHHH*" 

"What is going on here?!" Tony yelled above everyone else. 

"You dare raise your voice in front of the Sorcerer Supreme!" Stranges' disciple said angrily. 

"What sorcerer?! He's my son!" Tony said, exasperated. 

"There seems to be a misunderstanding here. Sorcerer Supreme, who does he serve?"


"SHUT UP!!! *BLECHHHHH*" Peter yelled, and everyone stopped. 

"The stone gave me a little joyride. A little help please." Peter said weakly, and Stephen nodded, immediately going to his side and using the stone's control to heal him once again. 

"That's much better." Peter said soon after. 

"Now you better cough up what's going on here, buddy." Natasha said in a fake voice. 

"Uh- Strangeeeeeee, buddyyyyyy, HELP ME!" Peter said, pleadingly. 

"This seems like a personal problem." 


"Don't you 'dude' me! You may be my superior but I'm still 30, and you're still a child." 

"Bro!" Stephen only raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. Peter sighed, pouting like a child. 

"Fine. Hi, everyone. Let me introduce myself. I'm the Sorcerer Supreme, aka the magician lord, aka the greatest ring master ever!" Peter said grandly. 

"Don't forget master of time." a disciple piped up helpfully. 

"That too!" Peter said, fist bumping him in thanks. 

"How about you also mention that you're related to a certain insect?" Stephen piped up. 

"Hey! Spiders are arachnids, not insects!" 

"You're related to a Spider?" Bruce said, confused. 

"No, he's Spider-Man." the disciple said. 


"Again. Adult. Child." Strange said, pointing. 


"I'm sorry!!!"

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