Teen Dad

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Prompt: hiii idk if u take suggestions but if you do could you please do a one shot about peter being a single teen dad? it's okay if u don't take suggestions but i can try my luck am i right

Thanks for the prompt nicoscheeseburgers! this just has random situations in order of pete as a single dad and shit(telling the kid mom aint comin back, telling the avengers, blah blah blah)...hope u like it!

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Everyone on the team had secrets. Clint had a secret family, Thor loved a woman named Jane, hell, Nat had even been married at one point! Everyone thought their secret was the worst, so they didn't really share. But of course, Peter's was the worst. 

Not only was he a teenage super-hero, he was also a teenage dad. 

Protection had not worked. So Peter and Michelle had a kid, who they decided to keep. 

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"Peter, maybe you should tell Mr. Stark about her. He might be able to help. I mean, that's what MJ wanted to do as well, remember?" Ned said one day, as they fed her. 

"I don't know Ned...what if they get disappointed in me and kick me off the team? What if they decide they don't want me around anymore? What if--" 

"Peter, I've seen the way they look at you. They won't care about anything else other than the fact that she's your daughter and that's why she's part of the family. It'll all be okay." May said, running her hand through his hair reassuringly. Peter sighed. 

"Let me think about it." they nodded.

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Peter collapsed on the couch in the tower, tired. He had finally decided to tell the Avengers about his child. 

All the Avengers came to the kitchen for dinner. They grabbed their food and approached the couch as well. Nat handed him his takeout for the night. He took it and weakly opened it. 

"What's going on, Pete? You look like shit." Sam commented, ignoring the elbow Wanda threw at his side. 

"I-I have to t-tell you something. A-all of you." Peter said in a hoarse voice. They realized that he had been crying. 

"What happened? You know we're here for you, right honey?" Pepper said, putting her hand on his knee. He squeezed her hand back and wiped his tears away. 

He pulled out his phone and opened his gallery, showing them a picture of him, Michelle, and a little baby girl. 

"What about this?" Tony asked, confused. 

They had just assumed Michelle and him broke up, because they didn't see her around anymore. Peter never spoke about her anymore.

"4 years back...Mi-michelle...she got pregnant." Peter stated. Everyone's eyes widened. 

"That's our daughter, Daisy Jones-Parker." he said in a more steady voice. He had rehearsed his speech, he was ready. 

"We were really happy, we raised her together at my place with Aunt May, because there was more space. And then, Michelle just..." Peter's voice broke slightly. 

The Avengers leaned forward, hugging him. They assumed that Peter was going to say that she broke up with him and decided to take away the kid, which Peter was not happy about. 

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