I Am Worthy!

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Hey guys! Just thought of a lil fic! Peter meets Thor and Loki for the first time! (more centred on loki n peter tho lol)

Peter had heard all about Thor from the other Avengers. 

Some called him annoying. Some called him loud. Some called him full of life. Everyone had opinions. Peter was excited to find out which one was true.

So here he was, bouncing around the common room as usual, waiting for Thor to arrive. 

"Who are you, mortal?" sneered a voice behind him. He turned around to see the one and only Loki. 

"Oh. Hey there Mr. Loki!" Peter said cheerfully. Loki looked confused. 

"You're not scared of me?" he asked a minute later.

"Do you feel bad about what happened?" Loki nodded reluctantly. 

"Then no. I'm not. But just to be curious. On a scale of 1-10 how evil were you feeling that day?" 

"9. But usually it's about a 3 nowadays." 

"Cool. Tell me if it goes above 5." Peter said, grinning. 

Loki felt his heart warm because of the teen. 

"BROTHER!" Thor yelled happily, as he walked into the common room as well. 

"Oh. It's you, you big oaf." Loki said, rolling his eyes playfully. 

"Who is this?" Thor asked Loki, smiling at Peter, who was practically hyperventilating because of excitement. 

"I'm Peter-Man! I mean, Spider-Parker! No, I mean I'm Peter Parker, and Spider-Man!" Peter stuttered. 

"It is wonderful to meet you man of spiders!" Thor said happily. 

"Man of Spiders?" Peter muttered, confused. 

"Don't worry about it kid. He calls me Man of Iron."

"And me Eye of the Hawkeye." 

"And me Captain of America." the adults chimed in.

"On purpose?" Peter asked, starting to smile. 

"Indeed I do." Thor said, grinning widely. 

"Well then, it is nice to meet you too, Thor of Asgard." Thor smiled, patting Peter's shoulder with enough force to push him to the floor. 

"I am sorry I made you fall over." Thor apologised as he helped Peter stand once again. 

"It is alright." Peter said, copying Thor's accent. 

"You're not saying it straight!" Thor said, eyebrows furrowed. 

"First of all, nothing I do is straight!" Peter said, snapping his fingers in front of him sassily. 

"Being straight is an actual thing?" Loki asked, even more confused. 

"Being straight just basically means you love someone who is not the same gender as you. Like, a boy and a girl."

"And there are people who love the same gender as themselves? What are they called?"

"They're gay. It means that a person loves people who are of the same gender, like, maybe, a woman with another woman." Tony explained. 

Loki seemed interested, so Peter grabbed his iPad and started telling him everything about LBGT Communities. 

Loki made him stop at one page. 

"What is that?" he asked with something in his voice. 

"Oh, that's the gender fluid community. Gender fluid people want to remain flexible about their gender identity rather than committing to a single definition. A gender fluid person may also identify as bigender – shifting between masculine and feminine; or as trigender – shifting between these and a third gender. [taken from google lol] It means that one day, a man can feel like a woman and goes by the pronouns she/her, but another day, they can feel like a male, it's not fixed." Peter explained. He looked up to see that Loki had tears in his eyes. 

"Mr. Loki? Are you okay?" Peter asked, worried. Everyone looked up at that. 

"There are a lot of people in this community?" Loki asked softly. Peter nodded, still worried. Loki's face broke out into a genuine smile. 

"I think you just helped me find my people, young Spider." Loki stated. Peter beamed. Thor smiled as he came up with a plan to prove his theory that he had heard everyone betting about.

"Young Spider, can you pass me my hammer?" Thor asked, pointing at where it was next to Peter's foot on the floor. 

Peter looked at it, shrugged, and then picked it up without trouble and handed it over. 

"Aha! So you are Worthy!" Thor exclaimed. Peter was confused till everyone explained the concept. 

Then Peter timidly grabbed Mjolnir on Thor's insistence and swung it around weakly, and then accidentally blew up the TV when electric sparks came off it. Tony sighed, slapping his hand on his head.

"Sorry Mr. Stark! This is AWESOME!!!!!" Peter exclaimed.

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