British Agents

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*drumrolls* I'M BACK TO WRITING AGAIN WOOO! up first, i combined Ttjjpplm's request into oneeeeeeeee THANKS BESTIE I HOPE ITS GUD- [yes, ofc i made the line breaks spider webs]

Prompt: British Peter Parker, Peter finding out his parents were Agents of Shield

Warnings: cracks but also angsty at the like veryyyyy end.

Warnings: cracks but also angsty at the like veryyyyy end

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"Spider-Man, report to Meeting Room A. I repeat, Spider-Man, report to Meeting Room A." Agent Hill's voice piped over the Hangar's system.

Peter jerked out of his hyper-focus, cursing his now ruined Web-Fluid formula thanks to pouring too much in his shock, quickly fixing his hair and tie and walking out to the room as asked, sharing a confused look with Bruce as he left.

"Oh hey, Mr Fury!  I thought Agent Hill called...?" Peter asked, confused. 

"Sit down, Parker," Fury ordered, still looking out at the clouds. 
Peter shrugged, sitting down on the spinning chair as asked. 

"Stop spinning," Fury stated once again, and Peter rolled his eyes, stilling as asked. 

"What I'm about to tell you, is going to change your life." 

"Pretty sure the radioactive spider made sure that wouldn't happen." Peter quipped, snorting when Fury turned and glared at him. 

Fury dropped 2 files on the table, sliding them over to Peter as he walked and stood beside Peter by the time he finished reading the files. 

"My parents were killed in a plane crash because they were carrying information for S.H.I.E.L.D. as agents? By HYDRA?" Peter asked in a heartbroken voice. 

"Unfortunately...yes. Richard and Mary were some of the best scientists we had, they don't even rival Fitz-Simmons. They were easily smarter." Fury stated.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Peter asked again, close to crying. 

"Because it's time that the Parker legacy joins into the forces once again," Fury said in a large voice, going back to the window as he sighed. 

"There's been a new case that not even Fitz-Simmons or Stark could solve. We need your expertise." 

"I need time," Peter stated, and Fury nodded. 

Peter left the room with the files clutched in his hands and cried to Bruce and Tony in the lab when he reached. They comforted him and helped him understand everything that happened. It was as Peter was reading the file again for the millionth time that he saw something. 

"...I'M BRITISH?! I WAS BORN IN LONDON?!" he exclaimed. 


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