Are you a male escort?

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thank you ihaveaproblrm! this is a peter x michelle story, and since u didnt give any specifics, im gonna try whatever ig lol. thank you for suggesting tho! alternative scene for ffh but no mysterio, theyre just having a normal conversation

Everyone knew that Peter was sketchy. Disappearing for no reason, popping back at random times looking much happier, and they couldn't help but make assumptions. 

Peter and Michelle stood on top of the Bridge, walking around, making small talk. 

"Um, I want to say something...if that's cool?" Peter asked awkwardly. MJ nodded for him to go on, playing with her nails nervously. 

"I, uh...I really really like you, like like, would you go on a" Peter said, extremely nervous as well. MJ looked expressionless for a minute. 

"Before I reply to that, I have a question of my own." she stated. Peter's eyes widened, before he nodded. 

"Are you a male escort?" Peter's nerves immediately turned into confusion and disbelief. 

"What?! No!" he exclaimed. 

"You sure? Cause it's ok if you are, I mean we all--" 

"I'm not a male escort!" he said in a much more steady, confident voice. 

"Well then, how would you explain the disappearances and what not?" she said, raising her eyebrow.

"Um..." Peter gulped.

"The only other explanation, is that you're Spider-Man." MJ stated casually. Peter's eyed widened. 

"W-what? No no no I'm not Spider-Man! Tha-that's crazy!" Peter tried to say, nervously laughing. 

"Then what the hell are you Parker?! You disappear, Spider-Man appears. He disappears, you appear. You act like you're talking to someone when it just looks like you're talking to yourself. And then you have that fancy-ass car and seem to have tons of cash because you paid for us everywhere--"

"Ok! Fine! You got me...I'm Spider-Man." Peter said, whispering the last bit. 

"That wasn't so hard to say, was it?" 

"You really thought I was a male escort?" Peter said, looking at her. 

"Maybe." she said, shrugging while blushing. 

"Yes." she said a few minutes later. 

"Yes, what?" he asked her, walking her back to her room.

"Yes. I'll go on a date with you." 

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