01|The Plan

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You walked through the halls of the castle, it was a Friday and classes had just finished

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You walked through the halls of the castle, it was a Friday and classes had just finished. You had told your friends you needed to study and were heading to the library; that was a lie. In reality it was just an excuse to be near her.

Arriving at the library you discreetly looked for the girl, finally spotting her you took a seat a few tables over, taking out your potions book.
You waited for the girl to call you over, pretending to be engrossed in your potions book.

This happened often, in fact almost every day for the past two years. You sat in the library, pretending to study until the girl called you over. It's what had started your friendship, and increased your crush on the girl.

"Y/N! Come sit here," you looked up smiling at the girl as you picked up your bag and book. "Hey Mione," you greeted, pulling out a chair and taking a seat. "Hi, I'm glad your here. I needed your help with something and I couldn't ask Harry," you nodded slowly, feeling slightly concerned. What was it that she couldn't tell one of her best friends but could tell you?

"Well it's about someone, a boy." You felt your heart drop. Of course she likes someone, how could you think she would like you. "Go on," you said, trying to ignore the pain in your chest.

"Well I like this boy, but I don't know if he feels  the same. I sometimes think he does but then the way he acts says otherwise." You nodded, clearing your throat slightly before speaking, "Do you mind me asking who it is?"

"It's Ron." Of course it's him, who else would it be. You had noticed the girls longing looks towards the boy, but you had ignored it. Hoping that it was nothing but friendly. You also noticed the looks he would send the girl, when she wasn't looking. But it wasn't the same looks you sent the girl. They didn't hold love.

You thought nothing would ever happen between the two, considering Rons on and off relationship with Lavender Brown, that began in the middle of fifth year. "So what exactly do you need help with?"

"Do you have any ideas on how I can find out if he does like me?" she began, bitting on her bottom lip. Something you noticed she did whenever she was unsure or nervous. It was actually quite cute. "I did some reading but I couldn't find anything." You laughed quietly, confusing the girl.

"What," she asked. "Oh nothing it's just so like you to try and find a book about this," you said causing the girl to look down in embarrassment, a blush rising to her cheeks. "Don't be embarrassed, Mione. It's actually quiet cute."

The girl blushed even harder, your heart beating faster at the sight. You thought for a second, all you really wanted was for her to be happy. Even if that meant with someone other than you.

"I don't know, maybe you could confess to him and hope he returns the feeling. Or maybe try to make him jealous? See how he reacts."

"Make him jealous? How?" she asked. "Maybe flirt with someone else. Ignore him for that person." She nodded, beginning to pack up her things. "I'm going to head to the common room, I promised Harry I would help him with his transfiguration essay. Want to come with?"

"Yeah, sure. I told Dean and Seamus I would meet them there before dinner anyways." You stood up, packing your things before leaving with the girl.


"You'll be fine Y/N/N," said Seamus. You currently sat in the great hall, Seamus sat by your side, while Dean sat in front of you. You were currently talking about the upcoming quidditch tryouts. You had been playing on your own for years, but had never played on a team before. And to say you were nervous would be an understatement.

"What he said. I'm sure you'll do great. Plus you'll have us cheering you on," said Dean as he picked at his food. You nodded, your leg bouncing, something you did out of habit. "I'm just really nervous. What if I make a fool of myself?" you asked, only to be waved off by the two.

"Once again, you'll be fine. What position are you going for anyways," Dean asked. "Chaser," you simply answered. "Hey, can I talk to you?" you heard a soft voice say. You looked up, immediately a smile spread on your face as you spotted Hermione.

"Yeah, of course. I'll see you two later, yeah." You said, standing up. The boys nodded, smirking slightly. They knew of your feelings for the girl, having noticed the longing looks you shot at the girl.

"What did you want to talk about?" The two of your had just exited the hall, walking in no particular direction. "I thought about what you said, about making Ron jealous." You nodded, not knowing where this conversation was going.

"I want you to date me?" You stopped walking, causing the girl to stop as well. "What?"

"Not actually date me. Fake date me, help me make him jealous," she said to you, with pleading eyes. "Um, I don't know Hermione."

"Please, you're the only one I can ask."
"What about Harry?" She sighed, "I can't ask Harry, Ron will immediately know something is up. And you're the only other person I feel comfortable enough to do this. Please, Y/N."

You sighed, knowing this was an incredibly bad idea. But how could you say no to her. "Alright, fine. I'll do it." Hermione squealed, throwing her arms around your shoulders as she muttered, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

"So um, what exactly does this mean?" you asked. "Well we would pretend to date obviously. We would go on dates, hold hands, hug, and kiss. Especially in front of Ron."

"When do we start?" You asked. "Tomorrow," the girl answered beginning to walk away. "Oh and Y/N," the girl began, turning back around to look at you. "Yeah?"

"Just don't fall in love with me, okay." she joked, before turning back and walking away. You watched as her figure became smaller, before disappearing around a corner.

"Too late."


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Not sure what the update schedule will be for this book, my priority lies with my other book "Hypnotized" which is a Hermione x femOC that i try to update twice a week. Y'all should go check that out, anyways bye and see you next chapter.

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