10| Confusion

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The next day you walked happily through the halls, a slight pep in your step and a permanent smile gracing your face

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The next day you walked happily through the halls, a slight pep in your step and a permanent smile gracing your face. "So I'm guessing everything went well then? Despite Sarah's little slip up," Dean asked, as he and Seamus joined your side.

The three of you had just exited your last class of the day, and had yet to talk, due to the fact that you had been by Hermione's side all day. "Mmhm," you hummed out, not giving the two much details.

"There you three are," a familiar voice called out, causing the three of you to stop in your tracks and turn around. "So what happened? I'm really sorry about the whole kiss thing, it was stupid to mention it," Sarah apologized.

"No need to apologize, Sarah. Honestly I should be thanking you," you said, a smirk on your face as the four of you began to walk again. "What's that supposed to mean," the Hufflepuff questioned, confusion not only written on her face but on the boys as well.

"Nothing," you replied innocently, the smirk on your face never leaving. "I'm very suspicious now," Sarah stated, her eyes scanning you. "Me too," both boys said, agreeing with the girl as they stopped you from walking. "What exactly happened," Sarah questioned.

"Nothing. We just made up," you said, the smirk on your face still remaining as you recalled the previous nights events. "Wait. What is that on your neck," Sarah questioned, her hand coming up and yanking down the collar of your shirt before you could stop her.

"Hey," you exclaimed trying to pry the girls hands off of you, only to have the boys help her pull it down even more. "Is that a hickey," the three yelled, eyeing the dark purple mark on your neck. "Oh god. There's more," Sarah exclaimed, her hand pushing it even further down.

"There's so many," Seamus laughed, clutching his stomach as he tried to stop. "All right, that's enough," you said, your hands pushing away Sarah's from your collar. "Well, she really took a jab at you didn't she, Sarah," Dean laughed, his hand coming up to pat the girl on the shoulder.

"What do you mean," both you and the Hufflepuff asked confused. "Hermione," Dean stated, the both of you still looking to him for further explanation. "She obviously was trying to show you that Y/N is hers," Dean explained, "Therefore all those marks on Y/N's neck. She's jealous of you Sarah."

"Makes sense," you agreed. "She seemed angry but as soon as we got back to dorm she started something that resulted in well, this," you pointed at your neck, motioning the dark marks lining up and down your neck. "I was a bit confused honestly."

"Bit hypocritical isn't it," Seamus began. "She spend almost all her time with Weasley, and she even sees you with Sarah and gets jealous." You shrugged, tensing up slightly as you walked into the great hall to be met with the sight of your girlfriend sitting next to Ron.

The two sat very closely, Harry and Ginny sitting in front of them, watching the two with confused and curious looks. You watched as he leaned into her, whispering something into the girls ear, causing her to let out a loud laugh as her cheeks flushed red.

Usually the sight would make you smile, her laugh always warmed your heart, most of the time causing a own smile of your own to appear. Your eyes caught Harrys, the boys own slightly widening before he gave you a sympathetic look.

The look only causing you to becoming angry, as you glanced back to the two Gryffindors who still sat closely together. Your view of the two was suddenly blocked as a figure stood in front of you. "Hello, Y/N," a perky Lavender greeted you, a bright smile on her face as she stood in front of you.

"Oh, uh hello Lavender," you greeted back, your eyes widening as the girl took a step closer to you. "How are you doing today," she asked, her hand coming up to play with on of her own curls. "Oh um, good. You?"

"Amazing. Would you like to sit down with me and Pavarti," the Gryffindor grabbed your arm, dragging you to the table without giving you a chance to reply. You looked back to your friends, the four of you sharing confused looks before they walked after you.

Lavender had successfully dragged you to the table, taking a seat next to you, her grip on your arm never leaving. As soon as you sat down the girl had begun rambling about her day, occasionally asking you a question which you never got to answer due to her rambling on again.

Once your time in the great hall came to an end, Lavender dragged you back to the common room as well. Her arm linked with yours as she continued to talk. You had become slightly annoyed as you hadn't gotten a word in at all, and the quiet laughter from your friends the whole time didn't help your frustration.

In fact you could still hear their quiet snickers from behind you as you walked with the Gryffindor. "Y/N? Are you listening," Lavenders voice snapped you out of your thoughts, the girl looking towards you curiously.

"Oh um, no, sorry. What were you saying?"

"I was talking about Ron. Usually we'd have made up by now. He's been acting very strange lately," the girl said, her eyebrows furrowed and a small frown on her face. "Oh, well I'm sure he'll come around."


"What were you doing with Lavender," an angry voice spoke, taking away your attention from the book in your hand as you lay in bed. Your roommates were nowhere to be found, so it was just you in the room. Well, you and an angry Gryffindor.

"What do you mean," you asked, setting your book to the side. "We were just talking." The girl scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at you angrily. "She was all over you, she wouldn't even let your arm go."

"We were just talking," you shrugged, not seeing what the big deal was. "She talked about Ron. Said he's been acting a bit strange lately," you explained, her anger not faltering. "Can I ask you something?"

The girl nodded, her anger subsiding as it was replaced with curiosity. "Why are we still doing this," you asked bluntly, finally asking the question that had been on your mind for weeks. "What do you mean?"

"He obviously likes you back, Hermione. Shouldn't you have ended this already? Arranged some dramatic breakup in front of everybody? Wasn't the whole point of this to make Weasley jealous?"

The girl stayed silent, merely staring back at you as her jaw clenched. "Hermione? Shouldn't we have ended this already?"

"I don't know," the girl snapped, her anger rising by the second. "Just, not yet alright. We can't end it yet," the girl said, explaining nothing as she turned to leave the room. "Wait! Why not," you asked, rushing out of your bed.

"I don't know! Just not yet," the girl snapped again, as she slammed the door shut. You sighed, letting out a groan as you threw yourself back in bed.

A/N: Sorry for the lag and this crappy chapter, didn't know what to write.

~A/N: Sorry for the lag and this crappy chapter, didn't know what to write

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