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You had awoken from what you can say was the best sleep of your life

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You had awoken from what you can say was the best sleep of your life. And it was most likely due to the bushy-haired girl still clinging to your side. Deciding that you didn't want to wake her you stayed still, listening to her breathing as you ran your fingers through her soft curls.

It wasn't too early you figured out, the bright sun filling up the room as you heard the quiet shuffling of your roommates. You could hear their frantic whispers, presumably about the Gryffindor who was still asleep at your side, the curtains around your bed had not been closed the night before.

Soon you heard the sound of footsteps before the door shut, the noise waking the sleeping girl next to you. "Good morning," she said, slipping away from your hold, much to your disappointment.

"Good morning," you responded, a small smile on your face as you sat up next to her. "Sleep well?"

"Great. You," she asked, rising to her feet as she stretched. She let out a yawn, her nose scrunching up adorably. "Perfect," you replied, a small smile resting on your lips as you looked up at her. You could get used to seeing this every morning.

"Well, I'm going to go and get changed. I'll see you later." With a quick kiss to you cheek she was off, a smile on your face as you watched her go.


Entering the great hall you immediately spotted Dean and Seamus. Walking over quickly you took a seat in front of them before beginning to pile food onto your plate. "Morning."

"Morning," the two replied.

"You two seen Sarah? Haven't seen much of her these past few days."

"You haven't heard," Dean asked. "Heard what?"

"She's been seeing a Ravenclaw. They've caught them snogging multiple times in the halls," Seamus chimed in with a snicker. "Speak of the devil," Dean said, causing you to look up.

"Hi boys," Sarah sighed, taking a seat next to you as she greeted you with a quick peck to your cheek.

"So where's loverboy Sarah," Seamus asked, wiggling his eyebrows as you stifled a laugh. "Off with one of his idiot friends," she groaned as she began to eat.

"So how long has this been going on? Is it serious," you asked curiously. "About a week, and no it's not serious. He flirts with practically all the girls in our year, I don't see it going anywhere."

"Want us to talk to him? I'm sure the three of us can talk some sense into him, if you know what I mean," Seamus said.

"Yeah, I'm sure Seamus can manage to blow something else up rather then himself for a change."

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