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Today was the day of the quidditch tryouts

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Today was the day of the quidditch tryouts. And to say you were nervous would be an extreme understatement. The boys constantly reassured that you would do great, like they had several times before. The tryouts were only a half hour away, and you were currently in your dorm getting dressed when Hermione walked in.

The two of you hadn't talked about what happened in her dorm, but the next day was filled with quick kisses in the halls. It shocked a fairly good amount of people who hadn't known that you were dating, but most didn't seem to care.

"You nervous,"the girl asked as she walked up to you, reaching out to straighten your quidditch robes. You nodded, letting out a small sigh. "Don't be, you'll do great. We should be going, it wouldn't look good if you were late."


Here you were now, standing in the middle of the quidditch pitch, surrounded by your fellow Gryffindors. Among them was Ron, who seemed to be trying out for keeper. You looked up at the stands, spotting Hermione, Dean, and Seamus. There was also Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw who you had only spoken to once. You couldn't quite recall the conversation, something about nargles?

Lavender Brown sat there as well, presumably to support her ex-boyfriend. Who'll she probably be snogging by the time this was over. "I'm going to be putting all of you through a few drills, just to assess your strengths,"said Harry as he looked at everyone.

"Remember just because you made the team last year, does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?" the boy asked received mumblings of 'Yes' in return. "Good."

Mounting your broom, you took of in the air getting into position. Looking towards the stands you found yourself smiling as Hermione waved at you, a bright smile resting on her face. You looked away from the girl to catch a glimpse of your best friends, who were giving you encouraging smiles as they hollered, "Go Y/N/N!"


After an hour of drills Harry decided to have a practice match, splitting up everyone into two teams as he hovered above to watch the game. You and Ron were placed on different teams, Cormac McLaggen being the keeper on yours.

Although you absolutely despised the bloke, especially after catching the ways he's been looking at Hermione since the year started, you couldn't deny that he was a decent keeper. Ron on the other hand seemed not so great, not that you cared.

The match began with the quaffle being handed to you by Katie Bell, before you tossed it over to Ginny who raced towards the hoops.
Narrowly dodging a bludger that was sent you way, you skillfully caught the quaffle in one hand.

Determining yourself close enough you threw the quaffle, watching it soar through the air and pass Ron with ease, entering the right hoop. A smile grew on your face as you heard cheers erupt from the stands. Specifically the cheers from a certain girl.

The game continued on like this with Ron attempting horribly blocking the quaffle from entering the hoops, and Cormac blocking most shots with ease. That was until Cormac's broom suddenly began swerving to the side, letting the quaffle in when it should have been easily blocked.

From then on Ron seemed to be the better keeper.


When Harry finally declared the match over, he called everyone down. He would be calling out the position, and who got the spot. It was announced that Ron would be the teams new keeper. Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote were the teams new beaters, replacing the Weasley twins who graduated the year prior.

He finally came around to the chasers. Katie Bell would keep her spot on the team. "Ginny and Y/N, you'll be the teams new chasers." A small smile arose to your face, quickly looking up to the stands and giving your best friends a smile as they cheered.

"Our first game will be against Ravenclaw, we'll be having a few practices before then," Harry announced. "Have a good day everyone, and congratulations to those who made the team."


"See we told you that you'd do great," said Dean as he swung his arm over your shoulder. The three of you were currently walking back to the castle. Hermione was nowhere to be seen, presumably somewhere congratulating Weasley on making the team.

"Where's your girlfriend at? You'd think she'd be the first one to congratulate you," said Seamus. "Don't know, probably with Ron and Harry. They are her best mates, you know."

"Yeah, but you think she'd want to congratulate you first. Considering you're the one she's dating," added Dean. You shrugged, the boys did have a point, but you weren't actually dating. "It's fine, I'll see her back at the common room anyways."


Back at the common room, you sat conversing with Dean and Seamus. The room was filled with loud chatter, lots of people celebrating with their friends on making the team. Across the room you spotted Hermione talking to Ron, who seemed to be getting too touchy with the girl for your liking.

Following your eyesight, the boys spotted the two other Gryffindors, before Dean spoke up, "Go ahead and go over there, we're fine here."

"You sure," you asked receiving a nod in return. "Yeah, someones got to put Weasley in his place." Smiling you got up, quickly making your way over to the two.

Finally reaching the girl you pulled her into a kiss, completely ignoring Rons presence. The girl immediately responded, wrapping her arms around your neck as she leaned into you. You pulled away, smiling at the girl. "Hey, love."

"Hi," the girl said, still looking up at you with a smile. The sound of a cough broke you two apart. "Oh hey, Weasley. Didn't see you there," you said, causing the boy to glare at you.

"You mind if I stay here with you, love?" you asked the girl. You heard the girl reply with a 'no' as Ron mumbled a small 'yes.'

Ignoring the boy, you happily smiled at the girl bringing her into your arms. The rest of the night was spent with Ron glaring at you, as he talked to the girl in your arms.


A/N: Sorry this took so long, I had a bunch of hw and had no idea what to write. But i finished it, don't rlly like this chapter but i'm already starting on the next so hopefully it'll be better.

 But i finished it, don't rlly like this chapter but i'm already starting on the next so hopefully it'll be better

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