11| Lavender

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It had been a few days since your small argument with Hermione, and the two of you had been getting along quite well

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It had been a few days since your small argument with Hermione, and the two of you had been getting along quite well. In fact, she had been ignoring Ron these past few days, distancing herself from him even when hanging out with Harry. Maybe she had finally noticed how much it had bothered you.

As for the situation with Lavender, things seemed to have become slightly worse. The girl had become extra clingy, always doing whatever she could to stay by your side. Her actions had obviously bothered Hermione but the Gryffindor seemed to have chosen to keep quiet about it. Although she did look as she was about to explode anytime Lavender came around, and only gave you a forced smile anytime you caught her frustrated gaze.

You had been as nice as possible to Lavender. Listening to the girl go on and on for hours on end and never declining an invitation to spend time with her. Although you didn't mind the girl, her sudden interest in you was a bit confusing.

I mean you've known the girl for years and the two of you had never interacted as much as you had these past few days.

But here you were now walking through the halls with Hermione, it was the weekend which meant no lessons and more free time. Your hands were intertwined as she rambled on about the latest book she had read.

You couldn't help but admire the way she talked, a small smile resting on your lips as you watched her ramble on. She talked fast, her free hand practically waving around in the air, her eyebrows raising anytime she got extremely excited.

"What?" You snapped out of your trance as she questioned you, eyebrows raised in question as she waited for your answer. "Nothing," you answered, finally moving your gaze away from the girl. "You were staring," she stated.

"I just like it when you talk about the things you love," you explained shyly. "You look really beau-"

Your words were interrupted as a loud shout of your name was heard, followed by a body colliding into the side of yours, causing you to slightly stumble over your own feet and your hand to slip from Hermione's. "Hello, Y/N," Lavender beamed, a bright smile on her face as she held onto your arm tightly.

"Oh, hello," you greeted back, offering her a small smile before she turned to greet Hermione. "Hello, Hermione!"

The Gryffindor greeted her back, giving her an obviously forced smile that Lavender seemed to not have noticed. Suddenly Parvati had appeared at her side, a slightly annoyed expression on her face as she greeted both you and Hermione.

"Lavender you were supposed to meet me in the great hall," Parvati said, obviously annoyed with her best friend. "Yes, but that was before I ran into Y/N," Lavender explained, gripping onto your arm even tighter, if that was even possible.

"So, Y/N/N. I was hoping that you and I could spend the day together," Lavender said excitedly, Parvati looking slightly hurt as she spoke. "Um, actually, Hermione and I were supposed to spend the day together," you said, Lavenders smile dropping slightly as you spoke. "Oh."

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