07| The Party

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The party had just begun but the common room was filled with people

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The party had just begun but the common room was filled with people. It seemed like every Gryffindor was there, even a few people from other houses had shown up.

You had helped set up the party. Bringing out multiple bottles of Fire Whiskey that Seamus had hidden, it surprised you that he managed to get that much. It would surely help make a great night.

You helped set out the snacks, stealing from the kitchens and loadings sweets that had been bought at Honeydukes. You had no idea how you managed not to get caught, or raise any suspicions with the amount of food you and the boys had carried in your arms to the common room.

Hermione stood in a corner chatting with Ron and Harry, you hadn't tried to speak with her. Opting to stay with Dean and Seamus instead, as some people danced along to the music playing. You were halfway done with your first cup of Fire Whiskey, and the three of you made sure that the third years and below were not allowed to grab a cup.

The last thing you needed was a first year throwing up because they thought they could handle a drink. You remember your first time drinking Fire Whiskey. It was the summer after fourth year, and the three of you were spending the summer together.

You somehow managed to sneak a bottle into your room, and one cup had the three of you stumbling around. Your tolerance had grown since then.

You spotted Lavender across the room, Padma by her side as she seemed to be trying to cheer up the girl who was now sending glares at your girlfriend and her now ex-boyfriend. You caught her gaze, sending the girl a sympathetic smile as she sent you one back.

Your gaze flickered back to the three friends. Watching as Harry left, and Ron slowly moved himself closer to your girlfriend. You glared at his figure, as he reached up tucking a stray hair behind the girls ear. "You alright there Y/N/N? You look like your about murder Weasley."

"I'm fine." Bringing your cup to your lips you quickly drank the remainder of the Fire Whiskey. "I'm going to go get another," you stated, your eyes never leaving the two Gryffindors across the room. "Don't drink too much now, aye!" you heard Seamus yell as you walked away.

You reached the table that held the Fire Whiskey, grabbing one of the many bottles on the table. Practically filling your cup to the brim. You brought the cup to your lips, chugging half of it before refilling it again.

"Hey, your Y/N right? I saw you at the game, you did amazing," a voice said from beside you. You looked up, spotting a fairly pretty girl. You didn't recognize her so you immediately knew she wasn't a Gryffindor. "Sorry, you probably have no idea who I am. I'm Sarah Belle."

The girl stuck her hand out to you, immediately taking it you shook her hand. "Y/N (Y/L/N), but you already knew that," you chuckled softly. "Sorry are you a sixth year? I just don't remember sharing any classes with you."

The girl shook her head, "No, I'm a year below you. A Hufflepuff." the girl informed you. You nodded in understanding, "You play quidditch?"

"Oh, no, no," the girl shook her head, a small smile on her face. "I don't think I could ever play. But I do enjoy watching it though." You smiled at her, continuing to chat as you offered to pour the girl a drink, to which she gladly accepted.

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