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You never did end up getting that chocolate, though you did have an amazing night.

You had dinner with Hermione and your friends. The five of you laughing along with each other the entire night. Hermione clinging to your side throughout it. She and Sarah had begun to get to know each other better as well, the Gryffindor listening to the younger girls complaints about her idiot boyfriend.

"Dump him, you deserve better," she had told the Hufflepuff.

The next day had started off normal. You woke up, got dressed, waited for the boys to come down from their dorm, and then headed towards the great hall and waited for Sarah to arrive.

These past few days had been the happiest you've ever had. Things had been great, with your friends, with quidditch, with Hermione. And despite your initial fear and doubt you began to believe that the girl had begun to grow feelings for you.

Ron seemed to be almost completely out of the picture, ignored by Hermione anytime he was around or tried to capture her attention. Her focus had been on you, and only you.

However, that soon changed.

You didn't see her that morning for breakfast, nor did you see Harry or Ron. The only one you did see was Ginny, and it seemed she did everything to avoid meeting your curious gaze.

After you finished your breakfast you had made your way over to the younger girl, hoping to find out where Hermione was. Though as soon as she caught you walking towards her she was quick to leave, not even giving you time to call after her.

Ignoring the weird feeling in your gut you decided to start heading to class, Seamus and Dean walking with you, Sarah having left to her own class. The boys were talking to you but you couldn't find it in you to listen, your mind being too preoccupied.

Walking into your first class of the day you were surprised to find her already there, with both Harry and Ron. You felt your heart drop at the sight, your body tensing as you stood in the doorway.

She had a bright smile on her face, her arm linked with Rons as she looked up at the boy with a lovestruck look. You recognized that look immediately, that's how she had been looking at you these past few days.

Harry stood off to the side, looking uncomfortable as well as confused. A panicked look crossing his face as his gaze met yours.

"What's wrong," you heard one of the boys behind you ask, before they followed your gaze.

They both looked as they were about to go over there before they were interrupted, the professor walking in the classroom and asking everyone to take their seats.

The rest of the class went by painfully slow, your eyes never leaving the two. It hurt you to watch them interact that way, but you couldn't bring yourself to look away.


When the class finally did end you tried to talk to her, squeezing your way around you classmates to try to get to her. Though your efforts were no use, the two were the first out of the classroom.

The only one you were able to catch up to was Harry, but he himself didn't know much.

"I have no idea, they've been like that all morning," he informed you.

"I tried talking to her but she just ignored me."

Nodding at the information you gloomily walked with him to your next class. What had caused this sudden change?


The rest of your classes passed by just as slow as the others. At the end of the day you made it your mission to find and talk to her before dinner.

So you walked and walked, searching every hall, looking in the common room and her dorm. Still finding no Hermione. Eventually your friends decided to join you, their curiosity and concern for you taking over.

Eventually you passed an empty classroom, hearing noises coming from behind the door. The four of you immediately stopped and began walking towards the door. Slowly you turned the knob in your hand. The door cracked open, voices becoming clearer.

Then suddenly it went quiet, curiously you opened the door wider, feeling your stomach drop and your heart clench at the sight.

There stood Ron and Hermione, her body pressed against his, their lips locked together as he pressed her against one of the many desks in the classroom.

You froze, unable to move as you heard the gasps of your friends behind you. The sudden noises finally attracting the attention of the two in the room, their bodies moving apart from each other as their heads moved curiously to the source of the noise.

Your gaze met Rons, the boys once startled face turning into one of amusement, a smirk beginning to appear on his lips.

The look on his face was all you needed to see before you rushed towards him, landing one harsh blow to his face. He stumbled back, stumbling into one of the desks as he brought his hand up to his cheek.

Anger crossed his face before he attempted to rush towards you, only he was stopped as both Dean and Seamus pushed him back, Ron falling to the ground.

At that moment Hermione had rushed to him, kneeling beside him as she took his face into her hands as she inspected the part of his face that had turned red and would definitely begin to bruise later.

Your sudden anger had subsided, an ache settling in your chest as tears began to pool in your eyes. You didn't know what to say. What was there to say?

You stayed silent watching as she fussed over him. She finally tore her gaze away from him and her eyes met yours, there was no trace of care for you like there had been before. They seemed almost empty, like she was in some sort of trance.

"Let's go please," you finally spoke into the silent room, your voice wavering slightly as you spoke. Nodding the boys began to walk towards the door, Sarah grabbing your hand as she led you out of the room.

Guess you were wrong about that happy ending.


A/N: Sorry? Here's this picture as an apology.

A/N: Sorry? Here's this picture as an apology

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