06| First Game

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It was finally the first quidditch game of the year

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It was finally the first quidditch game of the year. You had been feeling confident but now that it was actually time to play you started to feel nervous. Harry was giving the team a pep talk but you weren't listening, your palms were sweating and your leg wouldn't stop bouncing.

Once he was finished, you stood up with the rest of team. Moving to walk out the boy stopped you, "Don't be nervous. Just do what you've been doing at practice and you'll be fine." Giving you a small smile he walked out.

Taking a deep breathe, you calmed yourself before walking out. As you waited with the rest of the team to be called out you heard a voice call out to you. "Y/N/N!"

Looking toward the direction of the voice you spotted Hermione. The girl was walking towards you with a fast pace, sporting Gryffindor's colors.

"Oh hey, Mione. What are y-" Your sentence was cut off as the girl had abruptly placed her lips on yours, her hands cradling your face. Once your shock has subsided you began to kiss back, your hands gripping her waist tightly.

"What was that for?" you asked once the girl pulled away. "For good luck," smiling at you the girl walked away. "Well if that doesn't get you to play well, I don't know what will," Ginny laughed, patting you on the back. Realizing that the entire team had seen your little moment, your eyes widened.

Looking towards them you saw all of their amused smirks, the only one seeming to have a problem being Ron. He stared at you with a glare, which only made you smirk in victory.

"It's time. We've got this."


"And Gryffindor's new chaser Y/N (Y/L/N), gives Gryffindor another ten points. Adding to their lead, and making the game 80-40 in favor of Gryffindor."

The game was intense, sweat dripped from your body due to the excruciating heat coming from the sun. You had scored 40 of Gryffindor's 80 points, and you felt quite proud.

You chased after a Ravenclaw who had the quaffle in his grasp. You watched as a bludger hit the boy in his side, causing him to drop the quaffle. Flying straight down you caught it with one hand, tucking it under your arm.

You flew back up, soaring through the air. "Y/N!" You looked up, catching sight of Ginny who was much closer to the hoops. Barely dodging a bludger coming your way you passed it to the girl, who caught it with ease.

A smile passed your face as it easily passes the Ravenclaw seeker, entering the right hoop. Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor's. "Another ten points for Gryffindor, this time made by Ginny Weasley!"

You looked towards the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl you had been determined to impress the entirety of the game. Only to find her already staring back at you. You smiled at her, not noticing the bludger heading your way.
"Y/L/N! Watch out!"

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