04|Just another day

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It had been a few days since the quidditch tryouts

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It had been a few days since the quidditch tryouts. Harry had been working the team hard at practices, not wanting to lose their first game. It was also Harry's first year as quidditch captain, and he was determined to prove himself.

You were currently walking back to your dormitory, you hair laced with sweat, and your body feeling sore from the long practice. All you wanted to do was get back to your dorm, shower, and then sleep.

Arriving back at your dorm you found yourself sitting on your bed, not bothering to remove your shoes. Feeling the comfortable mattress below you, you found yourself laying back, your eyes closing and your plans for a shower long forgotten.

Jolting awake at the sound of a door slamming you opened your eyes to see an angry Hermione. "Ron and Lavender are back together," the girl stated. Groaning you laid back down. "They'll be broken up again in a day or two don't worry about it. Now if you'll excuse me I was in the middle of a nap."

Rolling her eyes the girl grabbed your arm dragging you out of bed. "Come on, last I saw they were in the great hall."

"What about my nap? I'm tired and I haven't even showered yet," you protested as the girl continued to drag you out of the room.


Reaching the great hall you immediately spotted the couple. There they sat at the Gryffindor table snogging, seeming to not care about their peers around them. Harry and Ginny sat in front of them, trying desperately to ignore the snogging couple.

You groaned as Hermione dragged you towards them, passing Seamus and Dean who seemed to be in a world of their own. Hermione took a seat next to Ginny, who immediately greeted you after noticing your presence.

At the sound of Ginnys voice the snogging couple pulled apart. A very perky Lavender immediately greeting the two of you, "Oh hi guys, didn't see you come in!" You smiled at the girl politely, you never had anything against her. In fact you thought she was sweet.

"Hi Lavender," you greeted. "Ron," you grumbled out, the boy merely waving his hand at you in acknowledgement. "I was just talking to Harry and Ginny about a double date. You and Hermione should join us," the girl began excitedly. "It'll be fun, a triple date! Besides you two are such a cute couple! Right, Won-Won?"

The boy didn't respond, his eyes glued to the food in front of him. You didn't know why Lavender put up with him, he didn't seem to treat her very well. In fact, every time they had broken up was because of Ron. But despite all the things the boy had done, Lavender continued to love him.

"Um, yeah that sounds fun. We'll be there," you said, causing the girl to give off a bright smile. "Great," she began beginning to stand up. "I've got to go meet with Parvati. See you all later, bye Won-Won," the girl planted a kiss on the boys cheek before disappearing out of sight.

"We didn't actually agree to anything but I suppose we'll go now that you two are," said Ginny.

"I didn't expect you to agree to go," said Hermione, her voice laced with confusion. "Didn't have the heart to say no," you shrugged, beginning to pile food onto your plate. "Besides she's nice, it can't go that bad."

"You're really sweet, you know that." Hermione stated, turning you to face her and planting a soft kiss on your lips. An action that greatly surprised you, causing a dark blush to rise to your cheeks.

"Can you two go do that somewhere else? I'm trying to eat here," Ron complained, his glare set on you. "Leave them alone Ron. We weren't complaining when you were eating Lavenders face off."

"It's fine Ginny," Hermione told the girl before addressing Ron. "We'll gladly go and do it somewhere else Ronald. Come on Y/N," the girl said yanking you out of your seat and into the empty hall.

"Did you see his face? I swear he was going to-" your laugher was interrupted as Hermione abruptly placed her lips on yours, her arms wrapping around your neck. You were shocked but continued to kiss back. It was implied that this is what the two of you would be doing when you left, but you didn't think you'd actually do anything.

You weren't complaining, you loved the way it felt to kiss her. Her lips were soft, and you always felt a shock go through your body anytime she touched you. You pulled away as you felt your back touch the wall.

"Woah. Um, what was that for?" you asked confused. "Oh sorry, I suppose I got carried away." The girl moved away slightly, her head ducked down a blush covered her cheeks. "No need to apologize."

Lifting your hand you placed her hand on the girls cheek, her head lifting up to look at you. You didn't know what it was, maybe it was the way the girl looked at you, but something compelled you to kiss the girl again.

It felt different from the kisses you would share in the halls throughout the day. It felt the way it did the first time, it was slow and sweet. Her lips moved slow against yours, her hands gripping the front of your shirt tightly as your hands moved to her waist.

Her hands slowly began to move up, tangling themselves in your hair. The kiss slowly became more rushed, but it still held the same softness and meaning as before. She pulled you closer, her tongue brushing your bottom lip causing a shiver to go down your spine.

Granting her entrance, you abruptly flipped your positions, the girl now being the one pressed against the wall. You pulled away, Hermione looking at you with hooded eyes. You leaned in again, this time your kisses trailing down to her neck.

You could hear her ragged breaths as her hands pushed you closer to her. "Wow you two couldn't even wait to get Y/N's dorm could you," a teasing voice said, causing the two of you to jump apart.

There stood Ginny with a teasing smirk on her face, Harry stood behind her awkwardly, and Ron stood with a furious face. Clearing her throat Hermione spoke, "W-We'll be going now." Grabbing your hand the girl quickly walked away.

Once out of sight of the three you let out a loud laugh. The girl scoffed, "That was not funny! That was mortifying!" she said smacking your arm. "It was a little funny," you breathed out in between laughs.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed

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