14| A Distraction

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It had been a little over a week since the incident with Ron and Hermione, and each day since you had been sulking around the castle

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It had been a little over a week since the incident with Ron and Hermione, and each day since you had been sulking around the castle. Struggling to pay attention to both your classes and your friends as you did your best to avoid the new happy couple. Who seemed to be comfortable with showing their affection all over the castle, no matter who was around.

Everyone knew of your and Hermione's breakup, though none but your friends knew of the circumstances behind it. They only knew that she seemed to have quickly moved on with Weasley, which left you to receive looks of pity everywhere you went. You couldn't escape it, not matter how hard you tried to.

The boys and Sarah had done their best to distract and cheer you up, but nothing seemed to work. Your heart was broken and it didn't help that everything seemed to remind you of the girl you loved.

The first day you tried to distract yourself with your studies, though that didn't work as the library only seemed to remind you of your study sessions with the girl.

Even being in your dorm reminded you of her. The soft bed and warm blankets that once brought you comfort and a feeling of safety only reminded you of the days spent with her laying in bed, reading or simply enjoying each other's presence.

The soft sheets still lingering with the smell of her perfume as you laid in the bed now. You absolutely hated it, but you also loved it. If you closed your eyes you could pretend that day never happened. That she was still here, laying next to you.

Though as soon as you opened your eyes it was all over. The fantasy playing in your head disappearing, heart breaking as you remembered your reality.

You closed your eyes again, desperately trying to forget. Your attempt was interrupted as a loud knock was heard, your eyes opened quickly. You groaned, knowing it wasn't one of your roommates. If it had been one of the girls they would have simply walked in, not bothering to knock as it was their room as well.

"Come in," you called out, the door immediately opening and revealing a obviously upset Sarah walking through, the door shutting behind her as she threw herself onto the bed next to you.

"What's wrong," you asked as you turned to lay on your side, Sarah doing the same.

"I caught him snogging some girl from Ravenclaw."

"Who? Your boyfriend," you asked, shock and anger mixed in your voice as she gave you a nod in response. "I'll kill him," you said, immediately beginning to get up from your position on the bed. Your protectiveness of the younger girl who had quickly become one of your closet friends obviously showing.

"You won't be killing anyone," she told you, grabbing the back of your shirt and pulling you back down.

"Fine. I'll just get Dean and Seamus to kill him," you huffed. "They care about you just as much as I do."

"No one's killing anyone," she spoke firmly. "Besides it's alright, didn't like him much anyways," she mumbled.

"It's alright for you to be upset, you don't have to pretend you aren't."

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