17| The Truth

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"What? What are you talking about," you asked confused, her words stopping you from leaving.

"I don't remember much from these past few months. The reason I came to talk to you was because I discovered why I couldn't remember, and why we weren't together anymore."

"How has it lasted this long? It should have worn off a long time ago?"

"He's been slipping drops into my drinks everyday, though I believe he has made a few mistakes. That's why I can remember a few moments where I wasn't under the effect of the potion."

You nodded at her words, thinking back to the events of these past few months. Any moment that could have told you that she was under the effect of the potion. You felt like an idiot for not figuring it out on your own, for not being able to help her. All this time you were too angry to even notice.

"He must have forgotten to give me more, because suddenly I felt myself again. I was confused and I went to go find Harry. We figured out what happened together, and he told me everything that's happened between us. That's why I needed to talk to you."

You quickly rushed towards her, surprising the girl as your brought her into you arms and held her tightly.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry. I should have figured it out sooner. I could have helped if I wasn't so wrapped up in myself."

She hugged you back just as tightly, feeling relief that you finally knew the truth. That she hadn't just used you to get to Ron, that she had truly cared for you.

"It's alright, there's no need to apologize. I'm okay now, and Rons being taken care of."

At the sound of the boys name you quickly pulled away from her.

"I'll kill him! How could he do that to you? You were supposed to be his friend?"

You made a move to leave with every intention of finding Ron and making him pay for what he did to the girl you love. You didn't know exactly what you were going to do but you were sure something would come to mind in the moment.

Hermione quickly stopped you from leaving, "Harry already took care of it," she spoke up, stopping you from leaving. "He took him to Dumbledore once he was done with him."

Relief filled you quickly at the thought of Harry already taken care of Ron, despite the fact that the Weasley boy happened to be his best friend and his girlfriends brother.

"Do you think we can talk? Just spend some time together again, to get things back to normal."

You nodded, giving her a small smile before taking her hand in yours and leading her to the great hall for dinner.


As the two of you entered the great hall, hand in hand, you received odd looks from everyone, especially your friends who waited for you in their usual spots.

Harry, who seemed to be the only one not giving you two an odd look, shot a bright smile your way as he continued to happily eat his dinner.

The two of you walked over to Seamus and Dean who sat at the Gryffindor table along with Sarah. The three gave you an odd look as you sat down along with Hermione.

They obviously wanted an explanation to this new occurrence, but you opted to give them a look that said 'I'll explain later' instead. The rest of the night continued on as normal, except this time Hermione was by your side.

And it was the happiest you had felt in months.


The next few days with Hermione continued on as normal. And by normal you mean how it was before the whole arrangement. When the two of you were just friends who liked to spend time with each other in the library.

That's actually what the two of you were for now. Just friends. Neither of you had brought up the fact that you had basically admitted to being in love with the Gryffindor, or the fact that she obviously returned your feelings for her.

It was as if though the two of you had silently agreed to take things slowly, and not immediately rush into confessing your love for one another. It had been a crazy couple of month, and the two of you were finally back to normal. And it seemed that neither of you had any intentions of messing that up.

Though you both knew that the day of confessing those feelings was coming up soon. And when it seemed like neither of you could handle ignoring the unresolved feelings any longer, Hermione finally spoke up.

"We need to talk."


A/N: whaaaatt double update

felt like y'all deserved it after that long wait and i also still have that burst of energy and ideas and its like almost 4am

anyways hope u enjoyed this one too

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