Chapter Twenty-One: New York State of Mind

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My eyes felt like they were going everywhere like I couldn't focus on one thing. The buildings around us looked like they were totally wrecked. There were cars in the streets on fire, and I could hear a distant roar, one that could only come from one special green monster. 

"All right, we all have our assignments. Two Stones uptown, one Stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock," Steve said, not missing a beat. 

As soon as we activated our suits, the helmets came off, and the suits materialized into the costumes we were all wearing in 2012. I had my classic black Shield-issued catsuit. I was suddenly missing the midnight blue one I had been using while on the run. Tony specially made my suit to help cover the metal arm, which would have been a dead giveaway that I was not from this current time. The suit now included gloves that covered my entire hands. I prayed no one would notice. 

Steve was in his old costume as well, the blue on his suit brighter than I had remembered it. 

Then, before anyone else could say a word, the Hulk from 2012 came roaring down the street. He was smashing any and everything in his path. He grabbed a wrecked car, smashing it down on one of the Chitari soldiers, who didn't stand a chance. We watched silently as he crashed his way up a building and was gone as quickly as he had come. 

I looked over at Bruce, and he shook his head in embarrassment. 

"You were so lovable," I said, with a sarcastic smile on my face. 

"Like you were a peach," Bruce countered. 

I shrugged at this, he had a point. 

"Maybe smash a few things along the way," Steve advised Bruce. 

"It feels gratuitous," Bruce said, ripping off his tank top. "But whatever." 

He reluctantly left our presence and picked up a car on his way out. He let out a half-hearted roar as he did so. Bruce then lightly punched a car, before smashing a rock. 

"I don't think he's giving it his all, do you?" I turned and asked the boys. 

"His performance could use some work," Tony agreed. 

"Alright, we don't have time to waste guys. We need to get into the Avengers tower quickly and quietly. We all have our access points. Let's get to them," Steve commanded. 

Scott gave a hearty salute before shrinking down. The plan was for him to climb on Tony's shoulder, once he was in position, Tony gave us a nod and the two took off. 

"You ready Mrs. Rogers?" Steve asked me, holding out his hand. 

"As ready as I can be," I said back, easily placing my hand in his. I teleported the two of us far as I could see. It would only take two more blips and we'd be at the front of the building. 

"So you're taking the elevator?" I asked him, going over the plan again. 

"Yes, and you're going up to help Tony in case you guys need to teleport out of there," Steve confirmed.

"And then I'll meet you back on the elevator? I'll follow the guys to make sure that thing gets on the elevator." 

"You've got it," he assured me. 

"Okay, be careful Steve." 

"I always am," He said, placing a small kiss on my lips. He then ducked inside the building, I held my breathe for a moment, the nerves grabbing a hold of me tightly. But, I let it out and teleported to the top of the building. 

I saw Tony standing behind the wall, looking through the cracks. 

"I'm here," I said quietly into our earpiece so that the whole team could hear.

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