Chapter Forty-Six: Happily

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I opened my eyes and I was back on the home platform. Before I could catch my breathe Steve was grabbing me in a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" he asked frantically, and I looked as he looked down at my outfit, now covered in my mother's blood. 

"Uh yeah, I think so." 

"What the hell happened?" Bucky asked. 

That's when I remembered everyone else standing there. 

"Sorry, they wouldn't leave until they saw you come back," Steve told me. 

"I-I went to the day my mother gave me up." 

Everyone was quiet for a moment. 

"And what did you do?" Sam asked me calmly. 

"Nothing," I told them. 

"You did nothing?" Bruce asked me skeptically. 

"Well, I did confront my mother, but trust me, it changed nothing. I didn't do anything because I didn't want anything to change." 

They all nodded, understanding. 

"We're going to wrap up here. You two may want to go get cleaned up," Bruce said, dismissing Steve and I.

"Okay, yeah, thanks for everything." 

"You're welcome. It seems like you needed it. And thanks for not changing anything." 

Steve and I took our cue and walked back to the facility. When we were safely back in the room, Steve turned to me, waiting.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, but I am curious." 

"Sorry for sending you back," I told him first, sheepishly. 

"You worried me with that. I for sure thought I would wake up in a different universe after that." 

"Me too," I told him honestly. "I was pretty sure as soon as you were out of my sight I was going to light the whole place on fire and save myself from everything." 

"And why didn't you? I don't know if anyone would have blamed you. Besides, none of us would have known the difference." 

"I know, but I would have. I talked to my mom before she was killed, I actually thought I was going to do it myself for a minute there. But, then she said she was sorry I never had a family because of her. I told her I actually did have a family. Then, she tried to take credit for it, saying because she gave me up I got a family. But, that's when I realized, I earned my family. I earned all of you. I had to work for the trust and that dynamic, it wasn't because of her. It was because of me. I wasn't going to let her take that away from me." 

I then grabbed his face, showing him the entire scene, so he could see what I saw. Understand exactly what I was telling him.

When I was done, he kissed my forehead. 

"Plus, if I changed everything I wouldn't have you either. I earned your trust and love too. It hasn't been easy, and it hasn't been simple, but I think it's all been worth it because of what we have." 

"That's true, but who knows, maybe we find each other in every universe," he said, smiling. 

"You know, I think you're right about that." 


"So, now what?" I asked Steve after emerging from my shower and change of clothes. 

"I have a surprise for you." 

"You do?" 

He lead me outside and there was a car sitting out front for us. 

"You up for a road trip?" 

"With you? Hell yeah!" 

"Language Morgan!" 

"I have heard you say much worse," I tell him with a wink. 

"Just get your ass in the car," he said laughing. 

"See!" I laughed now too, loading up. "How long of a drive?"

"You may want to settle in, it'll be a long one." 

"We could just take the jet you know?" 

"Well, we are staying a little longer than a visit. We can't keep a jet that long." 

"Now I'm intrigued." 

"Just sit back and relax, everything will work out." 

"With you, I know it will."


Several hours later, the sky was now dark as we pulled into a long dirt driveway, it looked familiar as we pulled closer to the home. 

Clint's farm. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked, sitting all the way up in my seat.

"Well, they wanted a change of scenery and Clint needed someone to take care of the farm for him." 

"Really? We're staying here? For how long?" 

"As long as we want. Clint said it was ours." 

"You're kidding!" 

Steve shook his head no as he got out of the car and opened my door for me. I jumped out and into his arms. 

"This may be your best idea yet Rogers!" I squealed as I gave him a kiss. 

"Metal arm Mo!" He wheezed between kisses. 

"Sorry!" I said letting go. "I have to call Clint." 

"I'll get our bags."

I walked off to the side, staring up at the sky. All the stars were visible as I took a deep breathe. I felt at peace. 

"Hello?" Clint said into the phone.

"You may just be the best adopted brother ever!" I said. 

"You like the surprise?" he asked, chuckling. 

"Uh yeah! But, I don't want to put you guys out..." 

"Listen, that place holds too many memories now. With Natasha, the blip, I just- we had to get away. Start over." 

"You sure?" 

"It's time for someone else to enjoy it. Happy retirement! You deserve it." 

"Thanks! Will you guys come visit?" 

"Of course."

We talked a couple more minutes, I thanked him again, but we both had to go. We said our goodbyes and we both got off the phone. 

I turned back toward the house, taking it all in. I saw Steve standing on the porch, beckoning me to join him inside. I felt myself smile, really absorbing that this was all mine. 

My fresh start. Our new beginning. 

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now