Chapter Thirty-Two: Will it be a Win?

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Suddenly we were falling. Steve grabbed me as soon as the blast hit, his shield protecting me as we fell. We hit a piece of debris, and it smacked the shield out of his hand. He wrapped himself around me as we continued to fall. We both crash landed on a piece of rubble, Steve taking the brunt of the fall. But then my head hit the ground, hard. I felt like everything was spinning all at once. It hit me so hard I barely even remembered my own name.

My vision kept going in and out. Everything seemed hazy. I no longer felt a hand around me. I slowly got to my feet, pieces of rubble falling off of me.

Then, I looked around frantically, to see Steve still lying on the ground.

"Steve?" I yelled. My voice was hoarse and scared. I felt something wet drip from my forehead. I reached up, touching my finger to it, I looked at it and saw that it was blood. Great.

His eyes slowly opened, but I could tell he was stunned. I kneeled down beside him.

"Hey, come on, we've got to get you up," I said, putting one of his arms around me. We both stood up. I watched as he assessed my face, I could see him wince when he saw the blood.

"It's fine. I'll be fine," I told him, although I wasn't so sure myself. I felt like I was going to throw up.

I suddenly heard footsteps, I whipped around, hands glowing. But, when I turned it was Tony who was walking towards us with Steve's shield.

"You lose this again, I'm keeping it," Tony said, as he handed Steve his shield.

"What happened?" Steve asked him.

"You messed with time. It tends to mess back. You'll see," Tony said, as he lead the way to where he had been standing.

We walked out to the clearance, where Thor was waiting for us. I let out a groan when I saw who was standing far out in the distance, just sitting. Thanos.

I didn't know if I had the strength for another round with him. I may have to leave him for the big boys.

"Get Morgan that stone!" I suddenly heard in my earpiece, I turned to look at Tony who was the one giving the order.

"What?" I shouted back, not believing my ears.

"If you have eyes on the gauntlet, get the mind stone to Morgan!" Tony shouted back, looking straight at me as he spoke into his earpiece.

"Do it now!" Steve confirmed, as he looked on at Thanos. "We need you to be as strong as possible."

"I thought a dream was just a dream," I mocked.

"Sometimes it isn't," Steve said back.

"And we'll take every chance we have," Tony agreed.

"Who has it?" I asked suddenly feeling lightheaded.

"I've got it," Clint said. "I'll get where you can see me, as soon as you do teleport to me."

"Got it!"

"What do we do in the meantime?" I asked. "Keep the big guy busy?"

"That will be the plan," Steve said. "We've just got to keep the stones from him."

"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor asked.

"Yeah. And I don't much care," Tony replied.

"Good. Just as long we are all in agreement," Thor finished. Suddenly, he reached out both hands, calling on Mjolnir and Stormbreaker. Thunder cracked and lightning lit up the sky as both hammers found their way to each of his hands.

"I'd love to borrow one, one day," I told him.

"It'd be an honor," Thor replied cheekily.

Steve and I made eye contact. This could be it.

We both grabbed each other, kissing hard and fast. Neither of us gave a damn for the couple of seconds we had who was around us. We finally broke away, both of us mouthing 'I love you.'

"Now, let's kill him properly this time," Thor said.

Then it was time.  Time to meet our maker.

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now