Chapter Thirty-Seven: Never Again

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It was when I heard his scream that I turned and teleported towards Steve. The way my name came out of my mouth made my stomach drop and I knew I'd sacrifice it all. 

Thanos would have to wait. 

It would be me and him. 

I teleported to where I saw Steve, his body covered in the monsters, there were too many for him to use Mjolnir properly. 

I sent a mental blast into all of their brains, the small pea sizes not being able to withstand this new power, they all went screeching away. 

Steve was shielding himself, his arms covering his face. I came rushing forward, wrapping my arms around him. But, all I felt was air. 

Then, I heard an evil laugh behind me, and I turned to see Ebony Maw. 

"You really need to get yourself a good teacher," Ebony commented offhandedly. "Simple projections are such a fun trick." 

"Where's Steve?" I yelled back, searching the battlefield frantically. My entire body felt numb. But, then I saw him off in the distance still fighting. I noticed he was searching the field himself, but I could see his body tense. I knew he wouldn't see me. Ebony would make sure of it. 

"Well, you would make a great teacher," I told him, circling him, my hands raised in a defensive state. 

"Of course. But, I have heard of what a hard-headed pupil you are. I'm afraid we wouldn't get on," he said with an insidious smile on his face. 

"Oh boo," I pouted. "I would love to know the projection trick. Seems like it would come in handy. You know, for parties."

"It's all in the mind dear," his hand suddenly reached out and stuck itself to my forehead. 

I gasped loudly, and suddenly I was not on the battlefield anymore. I was in a hospital bed. But this time it didn't seem like it was from an injury. Or at least, not one from fighting. 

Then, I could hear cooing. I looked down to see two bundles of joy in my arms. A boy and a girl. They both looked exactly like Steve and me. There were his eyes, my nose, pre injuries of course, and even his blonde hair. Then,I felt a kiss on my forehead. I tilted my head up to see Steve, his eyes filled with so much love and affection, my heart ached. 

"They're perfect. Just like you," Steve said, his eyes shining. 

"Stop," I said, my voice shaking. I didn't want to scare the babies. But I felt like I was suffocating. This was too much. The thought of parenthood was scarier than anything I had ever faced. What would happen to them? What if they ended up just like me? What if they fell into the same things I did? What if they were able to be taken like I was? Used for others. Their brains turned to mush. I never wanted my children to feel what I felt. 

It was as if I could never quite trust my own mind. It felt like hell. 

That was my real secret all of this time. Not that I couldn't have kids. Although, I couldn't. After being frozen, unfrozen, then being sterilized, it would never be possible. 

But, that wasn't why I held back from Steve. I knew deep down he would accept that. Why wouldn't he? It was out of my control.

No, what I really hid from him was the relief I felt knowing I could never. 

Then the babies started to cry, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was already failing them. 

"Stop," I said again, this time my voice came out sharper. There was an edge. Suddenly, all of the corners in the room darkened. 

The babies were no longer crying but screeching with all the anger of a raging bull. 

"You're doing it all wrong!" Steve said bitterly, his hands reaching out to snatch the children. I felt my heartbreak. 

"Stop!" I screamed. "Please stop! I'm sorry!"

Then I was crying, Steve was yelling, the babies were howling. It was all too much!

But suddenly it came to me. I would never be that girl again. I would never let my kids go through what I did. I would never let anything hurt Steve. I would never let anything hurt my family. 

I wasn't my parents.

I wasn't the weapon I used to be. 

She was gone forever. 

"Get out of my head!" I yelled. I forced his presence out of my mind, drawing as much power as I could from my center. "You don't control me. No one does. Not anymore! No one is allowed in there again!" 

Suddenly my eyes shot open and Ebony Maw and his hand were thrust off of me. A bright light evicted his presence from me. I started hovering again, I could feel all the power vibrating. 

"Didn't anyone tell you?" I asked, my voice sounding more powerful than I had heard it. "I'm a little out of sorts up there." 

Then I blasted him. 

I had to find Steve and take care of all of this once and for all. 


A/N Thought I'd throw another chapter out there for you guys :) 

Yes I know Maw did not show this power in the movie but I wanted to add something to the chapter :) 

Hope you guys enjoy it! ** 

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