Chapter Twenty-Seven: You're a Liar

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I slapped his face as hard as I could, not holding back with my real hand. I still had enough sense not to use my metal arm, but I was seeing white. Pure rage. I could barely feel the stinging in my hand as I sized him up. It would take nothing for me to take him down right here and right now. 

"You said you'd protect her," I shouted, going in for another hit. But, suddenly someone was grabbing my arm, I turned and shot them with an energy bolt. Steve went flying across the room. 

I had almost forgotten everyone else around us. It didn't matter. I only had one thing on my mind right now. Rage. Pain. Hopelessness. 

Rhodey closed the face on his suit. He came flying at me, but I dodged him, forcing him high into the air, not letting him touch me. Then Banner came at me, but I teleported behind him, then forced a machine into his back, slamming him into the wall. All I could feel was pain. My sister. She was gone. 

I marched over to Clint, going to grab him by his suit. All I wanted was to hoist him in the air, make him feel what I was feeling. 

Then, I could hear running, and I turned to see Thor in his sweats coming at me, there was lightning in his eyes. But I could tell he wasn't trying his hardest. I used both my arms to send two energy blasts at him, sending him flying to the back of the room.

I looked to see if Nebula or Rocket were going to try and stop me, but they were staying out of it

"Morgan stop!" Steve shouted, getting up from where I had sent him flying. 

"He should answer for this!" I shouted back, my hands glowing blue. I was warning him as I flexed my hand, the glow only getting brighter. Tears were streaming down my face. 

Steve threw his shield at me, but I caught it in my metal hand and tossed it to the side as if it weighed nothing. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Tony was on me. I turned to face him, ready for round 2, but he wasn't in his suit. 

It stopped me in my tracks for a moment. 

"You're going to stop me?" I scoffed, the tears still falling freely, Clint still in the air, trying to wriggle free, but I only gripped my hand harder.

"No, I'm not. I'd be a fool to try. You're powerful. Over time, I think you may have become the most powerful out of all of us," Tony said seriously. This made me stumble for a moment. Could I really be that much of a  threat? Had my powers grown that much? 

"Tony- I can't just let it go," I said, and my eyes darted to Steve, who was watching us carefully, ready to step in. 

"We're not going to stop you, Morgan. You're going to stop yourself," he told me, his eyes not leaving mine. 

Suddenly, I knew this was my chance. My chance to finally earn the trust I had broken so long ago. To stop the rage inside of me, not because someone was forcing me to, but because I wanted to. 

I let go of Clint, dropping him at my feet. I turned to look at him, but suddenly, Tony was on me, inserting a syringe into my neck. I gasped, sending a out an energy blast in defense, but it missed as I fell to my knees. 

Then, Steve was beside me in an instant, holding me as my knees buckled. And I was being cradled in his arms, my vision going in and out. 

"You said you would protect her," I accused Clint one last time, my voice breaking. "We were all she had." 

"I know," he said, his own voice breaking. 

Then it went black.


It was the end of the world. 

There were ashes everywhere. 

I was standing over a river, looking down I could see my reflection. My eyes were glowing a deep sapphire blue. Just like my hands. 

But they were brighter than ever before. 

"You're more powerful than you ever thought possible," a deep voice sounded in my dream. 

Chills ran through my body. I turned to see the mighty Titan in front of me.


"You could have been great under the right training," he said thoughtfully, his eyes roaming my body. 

Not like men on Earth. No. He was appraising me for my skill. 

"All it took was a little boost," he said, pulling out the mind stone from the gauntlet. "You could take over the world with a flick of a finger. It would be as easy as breathing." 

It floated towards me, my hand instantly reaching out for it. 

I grabbed it, absorbing the powers.

I gasped. 

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now